The Truth

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Today's the day I've been longing for since the moment they wheeled me into this dreadful hospital. Today's the day I'm finally going home. When one of the nurses told me that within a few hours I'll be leaving this place, I felt like I was about to jump out of my skin and run around in excitement. I'm so sick of being surrounded by the same four walls and having people ask me how I'm doing every damn second of the day. That question should go without saying. I'm not okay. Who is when they're going through this type of situation? I'm not the same but I'm really good at putting on an act that I'm alright, especially when Drew's around. I hate showing weakness around him and I really don't know why.

Drew and I are walking from the cafeteria back to my hospital room. The nurse told me I should try walking around for a little while so I can get used to it again. It's been five days since my C Section so the pain isn't too bad, but some sudden movements still hurt. When we get into my room, I take a seat on the bed while Drew puts together some of his things. I stare at the wall across from me as I think of everything I've been through these past few days. It's been four days since those detectives came to talk to me and it's left me wondering. Who did this to me? Who wanted to hurt me so badly and who would do it at the extent of my baby's life?

I'm so caught up in my thoughts I don't even notice that Drew stopped what he was doing and is looking at me. "Tori? Are you okay?"

His voice startles me but when I look up at him, his face is full of sincerity. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say faking yet another smile.

"I know you're lying." He says before I can turn away from him. "I can see it in your eyes and in the way you talk. You're hurt, but trust me, everything's going to work out for the best." As much as I want to believe Drew, I don't know if that's true. Is everything going to work out? Am I ever going to be happy again? "You do know you can come to me, right?" Drew continues. "I'm here for you, Tori, and I always will be."

"I know." I say but this time my smile isn't fake. Drew definitely has a way of making me feel better. He smiles back at me and then returns to gathering his things. Out of nowhere, I feel the need to ask him a question. I don't even think about it before I say it, it just comes out. I guess I am comfortable sharing my feelings with him. We've come a long way. "Drew, are they gonna find who did this to us?"

He stops dead in his tracks and turns to me with a guilty look on his face. He goes to say something but then decides not to. Does he know something I don't? He walks over to me and says, "I promise you that if they don't, I will. Believe me, the first thing I want to do is find out who did this because they deserve to pay. I won't let them get away with this. I..." He's cut off by a rough knock on the door.

Drew sighs in disappointment. I can tell he had something important to tell me but this could be a nurse with my release papers so I yell, "Come in!"

In walks my doctor with a different kind of attitude than the many previous times he's come to see me. He takes a look around the room then makes eye contact with me, "Getting ready to leave us, I see."

"Yeah." I say as Drew takes a few steps away from me and pays attention to the doctor. "The nurse said if I walked around, I could..."

He cuts me off, "I know she said you can leave. I approved of it. You seem to be feeling better and that's all that matters!" He pauses for a moment before continuing. "But your release isn't the reason I'm here to talk to you. I've actually got some more good news." He grabs the empty seat next to him, pulls it up close to my bed and sits down. "You guys must still be wondering why we haven't told you anything about the baby. I just want to start out by saying that I'm sorry I rushed in like that the other day and just took her from you. I should have told you guys what was happening but I was afraid it would be wasting valuable time." He takes another pause while he glances at me and Drew as if to make sure we're following his words. "I took her away because we got the blood she needed. Minutes after we took her, we did the transfusion and you guys are going to be glad we did, because she responded well to it. Miss Brooks..." He looks at me. "Mr. Chadwick..." He glances at Drew. "Your baby girl is still alive."

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