It Gets Better

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Right when it feels like everything is falling into place, like everything is happening the way it should be, there’s another bump in the road. It’s like the second I fix something, it comes shattering back down again. When I finally feel safe, there’s even more danger coming my way. I can’t win. I understand I am not a saint and that I’ve done my share of bad things, but do I really deserve all this? Do I deserve to feel like nothing will ever go right? Do I deserve to always feel like I’ll never be happy? I don’t know if I do or not but what I do know is, this is the last straw. I can’t deal with this anymore.

Hailey’s words come flying at me and sting me like a bee. Just when I thought things could only go up from here, I find out that I was wrong. The nightmare I had last night came true. We were too confident in this plan and it came back to bite us in the ass. Everything we’ve worked towards means nothing. The detectives we thought had our backs were doing the exact opposite. They were helping the enemy, hell one of them is even related to her! It’s incredible how quickly things can change.

It takes the feeling of Drew’s arm leaving its place around me to make me realize I was zoned out. But the second I snap back to reality, I wish I never did.

“This can’t be.” Drew mutters as he tries to figure this all out. “Your brother is in Nevada.”

“He was in Nevada for boot camp but he came back just in time to find a job and keep me protected.”

“I just don’t understand!” Drew yells as he throws his hands behind his head in frustration.

“What don’t you understand, sweetie? We fooled you. We made you think you had the authorities on your side so you could feel powerful. But did you really think you could throw me behind bars?” She chuckles. “Come on, Drew! I thought you knew me a little better than that.”

“I guess I barely knew you.” Drew whispers and by the pain in his voice, I can tell he’s hurt by this. He still can’t get over the fact that a girl he used to love could betray him.

Hailey goes to speak up but is interrupted by a new voice. When I hear it coming from behind me, I turn to find Keaton struggling on his crutches. I totally forgot he was in the car and that he couldn’t move as quickly as the rest of us. “What the hell is going on?” He says while looking even more confused than Drew.

“Keaton!” Hailey says in one of the fakest voices I’ve ever heard. “It’s nice of you to join us. I was just telling your friend Drew here that he should have never underestimated me. I’ve been two steps ahead of you guys this whole time. I made sure I had some important guys on my side. I guess you can say I’m untouchable.” She gives us her signature smirk.

I look back to Keaton and he still looks overly confused so I decide to clear it up for him. “The detective is her brother, Keaton.”

“What?!” He screeches. “How is that even possible?”

“Like I said…” Hailey answers. “I’ve been two steps ahead.”

There’s a moment of silence before Drew shifts his body and asks, “Why?”

“Why what?” Hailey asks in return.

“Why did you do it?” He whispers while taking a step towards her. The detectives also take a step forward as if they think Drew is going to do something stupid.

“Why did I get my brother and his partner involved or why did I mess with your car?”

“Both.” I say before Drew can get a word out. Regardless of what he’s thinking, I want to know the answer to both of these. I’m curious about what the hell is going through this lunatic’s head. I take a step forward to be right next to Drew and I hear Keaton move up as well.

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