To Tell Or Not To Tell

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The second I fully comprehend that the man lying next to me is Drew; I quickly sit up and try to think this through. What the hell happened last night? I try to think back but I just can’t remember anything. The last thing I remember is Keaton throwing a fit and Wes bringing him home leaving me alone with Drew. Clearly, I drank way too much that I don’t remember anything after that. Was Drew extremely drunk too?

Drew changes his sleeping position and I look over at him. His face looks so peaceful and, strangely, he actually looks kind of cute. No! What are you thinking, Tori? You’re with Wes! Okay, back to square one, did Drew and I actually sleep together? I look around the room and see all of our clothes splattered on the floor. I look down at myself and realize that I’m completely naked. So, I guess we must have hooked up for sure.

Millions of questions start to form in my mind. What is Drew going to think when he wakes up? Do I tell Wes? Will he tell Wes? What is Wes going to think? Thinking of all the possible ways these questions could be answered starts to stress me out and I need to talk to someone about this. The only person I CAN talk about this with is Drew. I cover up my naked body as best I can and turn to Drew’s sleeping body. I place my hand on his shoulder, shake him and whisper his name.

After the third time of doing so, he pops up in panic. “What?!” He yells and I give him a second to let everything sink in. Then, he looks at me and says, “What the fuck is going on?”

He moves as far away from me on the bed as possible. “I was hoping you could tell me.”

He looks at me with horror in his eyes. “Did we….?”

“I think so.” I say with disappointment. How the hell could I cheat on Wesley? Drew just stares at the wall for a few seconds so I know he must be thinking. “Do you remember anything from last night?”

“Um, yeah. I remember breaking up with my girlfriend, but that’s about it.”

“Do you remember talking to me about her?”

“No.” He snaps at me. “Why the hell would I talk about my love life with you?”

Great, he’s back to being the rude and self-absorbed Drew. “Last night I saw you crying about it and I asked. I was just being a good friend, Drew.”

“Friend? We’re not friends!”

“Why the hell do you hate me so much?!”

He goes to answer me but then stops himself. “That’s not important right now. The important thing is what are we going to do about Wes?”

Wes, right, I really should be focusing on my relationship with him rather than my relationship with Drew. “I think we should tell him. Maybe, he’ll…”

“No.” Drew cuts me off. “We are not going to say a word to him. You got me?”

“Drew, I can’t lie to him.”

“Well, you’re going to have to. I’m definitely not losing my best friend over some drunken mistake.”

“But, i…”

“Do you want to hurt Wes?” Was that even a question?

“Of course I don’t.”

“Then, we can never bring this up again. Let’s pretend it never happened.”

“I can’t, Drew”

“Yes, you can.” He says in a stern voice. I don’t know what to say. The last thing I want to do is hurt the one guy I truly care about but how am I supposed to keep this from him? How can I pretend this ever happened when I will most likely see Drew every day? My phone starts to ring breaking me out of my thoughts. As I turn to answer it, Drew gets up and finds his clothes. I’m scared that I might see Wes’s name on the screen but thankfully, it’s just the auto shop. When I pick up, the guy tells me that my car is ready. Finally!

I hang up and notice that Drew is fully clothed. “I’m gonna go.”

“Wait. Can you at least bring me to go and get my car?” He hesitates at first and then agrees. “Thanks. I just need to go shower really quick.” He sighs and takes a seat on the bed ready to wait for me. I quickly jump in the shower, wash up and sing a few lines of the Kelly Clarkson song that pops into my head. This just happens to be a typical shower for me. I get out, get ready and then Drew leads me to his car that is parked out front.

The first 10 minutes of the car ride is complete and utter silence. I take this time to try and remember something, anything from last night; still nothing. Finally, Drew speaks up and asks, “So, what exactly did I tell you last night about Hailey and i?”

Good, this is something I actually remember. “You just told me that you broke up because you couldn’t take the fighting anymore. You were going to tell me why you were so upset but we got distracted.” Drew doesn’t say anything else so I don’t even bother to get more out of him. However, I do really want to know why he was crying, but I don’t feel like fighting with him about it. We pull up in front of the auto shop and I just look at Drew. I can tell he’s still deep in thought because of the odd expression on his face. “Thanks for the ride.” I say softly.

“No problem.” He says as he continues to look straight ahead. I get out of the car and then I hear him yell, “Tori!” I turn around hoping he may say something kind like the Drew from last night would but he just says, “Remember, not a word to anyone.” I roll my eyes and just walk away. I find my car, wait for someone to bring me the keys and then get inside. The moment I go to start the ignition, I hear my phone ring. I look down to see a picture Wes took on my phone a few weeks ago. I take a second to contemplate whether or not I want to pick up the phone but of course I end up doing it.

“Hey.” I say softly trying to hide the fact that I’m actually nervous to talk to him.

“Hey baby. What are you up to?” My stomach starts to hurt when he calls me baby. He’s just so sweet, how can I do this to him?

“Um… I just got my car back.”

“That’s great! Now you can meet me at the diner for breakfast. See you soon.” The last thing I want to do is meet up with him right now. This gets me thinking, should I just tell Wes anyways? Wes is my boyfriend and I need to do whatever I can to salvage our relationship. But, then again, what would happen to Wes and Drew if I did tell? Drew’s such a jerk though and I feel as if I should just go behind his back and tell Wes. So, it looks like I’ve made up my mind. I am going to tell Wes what happened whether Drew likes it or not.



Is Tori going to tell Wes?

What will Wes say or do?

How is Drew going to feel about this?

Wait and seeeee!

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