Why Has It Come To This?

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“I want someone…like you.”

The last thing I can see is Drew staring at me with pain in his eyes. I feel as if my heart just stops for a second. Did he say what I thought he said? I shake my thoughts away for a moment and hear Kim still singing along to her favorite song. I’m glad she is because I do not feel like talking to anyone at the moment. I lean back in my seat and turn my head towards the window pretending to be attempting to sleep.

I keep playing that flashback in my head over and over. Apparently, Drew has hated me from the start because he’s jealous. He’s jealous of what Wes and I have together. But he may also be jealous of the fact that I’m with Wes…and not him. Honestly, I did not see this coming. Out of the million reasons why I thought Drew hated me, this was definitely not one of them.

I spend some time to think about what I’m going to do now. Should I talk to Drew about it or leave it alone? Part of me wants to talk to him and learn the truth behind what he said but the other part of me doesn’t want to because this could make things even worse. If Drew really feels this way about me, how am I going to be able to keep our night together a secret? With so many things running through my mind, time goes by and I eventually fall asleep.

I wake up to someone tapping on my window. I squint, look up and see Wes standing there with a smile on his face. I turn to the driver’s seat and see that Kim is gone. Wes opens my door and I get out realizing that we are parked at a gas station. “Hey sleepyhead.” Wes says in a baby voice.

“Where are we?” I ask as I still feel as if I’m half asleep.

“We’re in Huntington. My mom’s house is like 10 minutes away.”

I look around the parking lot and see Keaton sitting in Wes’s car playing on his phone. Then, I see Arianna and Kim inside picking out a few snacks. I look back at Wes and ask, “Where’s Drew?”

“Oh, we dropped him off at his mom’s house before we came here. Why?”

“Just wondering. So now can I ride with you?” I asked in hopes of Wes being able to get my mind off of my latest flashback.

“Of course you can babe.” Wes says before he kisses me and heads back to his car. As Arianna and Kim walk back towards the car, I tell them I’m riding with Wes and Keats and then follow Wes to his car. I take the backseat so I don’t have to make Keaton move.

“Hey Tori!” Keaton says looking back at me. Damn, this kid is always happy and that’s why people can’t help but love him.

“Hey.” I say with a lot less enthusiasm than him. Keaton gives Wes a weird look as he turns back around.

“She just woke up. She’s a little cranky.” Wes says with a laugh as he looks back at me in the rearview mirror. We wait a few more minutes for Kim and Arianna to get ready to go and then we take off. “So, bro, you gonna make a move on Arianna soon or what?” Wes says to Keaton.

I watch Keaton’s expression in the right mirror and see that he just smiles. “Aw, do it Keaton!” I say with excitement. He and Arianna would make the cutest couple. I know the party set them back a little but I have a feeling Arianna likes him.”

Keaton laughs at how happy I get and says, “Okay! I’ll do it. I’ll ask her on a date while we’re here!”

“Good.” Wes and I say at the same time. Wes continues to drive and Keaton goes back to checking Twitter. I look out the window and take in the view. I’ve never been to Huntington before but it’s such a beautiful place. All of a sudden, Wes slams on the breaks and the car rocks back and forth. A tiny leather notebook flies off of the rear of the backseat and lands right next to my lap.

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