Best Car Ride Ever

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Wesley leads me to his car which happens to be a Mercedes. Great, this guy must be one of those rich snobs. Surprisingly, he goes to the passenger side and holds the door open for me. I can’t help but smile at the fact that he’s actually being a gentleman. “Thank you.” I say. He just smiles showing off his perfect teeth, yet again, and closes the door. He gets into the driver’s seat and I quickly give him directions to my house before he drives off.

At first there is an awkward silence but Wes breaks the silence by saying, “So how long have you been working at In and Out?”

“I’ve been there for a few weeks now.” I stop but realize he is waiting for me to say some more. “I just moved here from Rhode Island.”

“Rhode Island?” He says with a laugh.

“Please tell me you know where that is!” I say giving him a little chuckle in return.

“I do! That’s actually cool because I’ve never met someone from there before.” He gets distracted while he decides which turn to take. I gesture towards the right and he proceeds.

“What about you?” I ask. “Why haven’t I seen you around L.A. before?”

“Well, I’m actually from Huntington Beach. I just came here a few days ago with my brother and my best friend. We’re in a band called Emblem3 and we’re trying out for XFactor in a few weeks.”

“Oh my god, that’s so cool!” I say a little too eager. When I say this he laughs at my excitement, and I say, “Sorry.”

“No worries. That was cute.” Wait, did he just say cute? That caught me off guard.

“So, what kind of music do you guys play?” I ask turning towards him.

“Um, it’s hard to explain. How about I just play something for you?” He grabs his iPhone which is connected to the car’s stereo. He takes his eye off the road for a moment to search for a song and then puts it down. The song starts to play and I just can’t help but nod along with the beat. A guy starts to sing and immediately I know that it’s Wes. His voice is one hundred percent original and very distinct. Then, a different guy starts to rap and the rhymes he puts together are so good. When the rapping part is over, Wes reaches to the stereo and turns the volume down. “So what do you think?”

“Wow.” That’s all I can say at first.

“Is that a good wow?” He says with a smile.

“Of course it is! You guys are amazing!”

“Thank you.” He says as he takes one last turn down the street my apartment is on. I point to my house and he stops the car right in front.

“Well, thank you for the ride.” I say turning my body completely towards him.

“It was no problem.” He looks me right in the eyes and I feel as if I’m going to melt. Everything about this boy is perfect. We’ve known each other for only a few hours but the way he looks at me makes me feel as if I’ve known him my whole life. He starts to lean his face closer to mine and it doesn’t even faze me that he might be going in for a kiss. I just stay there as he moves in closer with every second. He stops and I jump when I hear his phone go off. It’s playing the same song that he just played for me. I shift back in my seat and notice the picture on his phone is one of the girl he was with earlier. The name above it reads Kim. Could that be his girlfriend?

He reaches for his phone and tells her he will call her back later. When he hangs up he says, “Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine.” I say getting out of the car. “Thanks again for the ride!” I try to say with as much enthusiasm as I can. He does a little nod and puts the car in drive. “By the way… you have an amazing voice, Wes.”

“Thanks, Tori!” He says with a smile from ear to ear. I turn around walking towards my front door when I hear him shout, “Wait!” I turn around and walk back toward the car. “We are performing tomorrow night at the House of Blues. I would love if you could come. We don’t really have much of a fan base.” He laughs softly after he says that.

“Well, if my car is fixed by then. I’ll be there!”

“And if your car isn’t fixed…call me and I’ll come and pick you up.” He takes a small napkin and pen out of his glove compartment and scribbles his number on it. I take it without even looking at it and say, “Good night.” He says Good Night back and drives away.

I watch him drive down the street and make sure he’s gone before I look at the napkin. It has his number and his name with a heart around it. This has definitely been one hell of a confusing night!

So this is what I have so far guys! Let me know what you think so far. This fanfic is going to be very drama filled so get ready and please stick around!!

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