A Great Question

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A few days have passed since the night Wes kissed me and we haven’t really spoken since. He asked me to go out to dinner with him ‘sometime soon’ and he hasn’t called or texted. Not to mention, I still don’t have my car and I’ve been walking to where ever I need to go. Yeah, it’s safe to say the past few days have been pretty rough.

I start walking home from work so I put my ear buds in my ears and blast my Emblem3 playlist that I just made on my phone. I’m honestly in love with every single one of their songs. They definitely know how to calm me down after a long day. Sunset Boulevard starts to play and I think back to the night when Wes first played this for me. This makes me start to wonder why he hasn’t called me. Maybe he realized he doesn’t really like me and that he’s on to the next girl, but Wes just doesn’t seem like that type of guy. All of a sudden I start to hear an obnoxious car horn blaring right next to me. I try to ignore it at first but then I just can’t take enough. I take my left ear bud out and go to scream at the person honking the horn but then I realize its Wes and he’s just trying to get my attention.

He is leaning over the passenger seat and looking out the window which he has rolled down.

“Tori, hop in.” I don’t even hesitate, I just run over to his car and get in. “Hey, what’s going on?” He asks as he continues to drive.

“I was just heading home from work.”

“So I take it you still don’t have a car?”


“What were you listening to? It took me at least 10 honks to get your attention.”

“Oh, nothing…”

“Come on, tell me! We all have our guilty pleasures.” Yeah, just so happens my guilty pleasure is listening to you.

“I was listening to your band.” He looks at me and laughs. “What?”

“Nothing, I’m just glad you’re a fan!” When he pulls in front and puts his car in park, I say my usual ‘Thank You’ and go to get up.

“Wait..” He says putting his hand on my arm. I look back at him and he has the biggest grin on his face. I give him a weird look and he continues, “Did you forget about our dinner date?”

Deciding to play hard to get I say, “Oh, yeah, I did forget.”

“Sure you did.” He says and winks at me. “Want to go right now?”

“Well, I’m going to need to change first.” I say looking down at my stained work uniform.

“No worries. I’ll wait.” He says as I get up out of the car and realize he’s still sitting there.

“Wes, you can come in, it’s okay.” I say with a laugh as he jumps out and follows me to the door. I’m a little embarrassed to show him my apartment because from the looks of what he drives and wears he must have a lot of money and a nice house. But, when he walks in he just looks around. “Make yourself comfortable.” I say as I point to the couch.

I go upstairs to change and when I come back down in skinny jeans, a flowy black shirt and heels he just stares at me. “Like what you see?” I tease and he jokingly nods in return.

We get to the restaurant and sit down immediately because it’s already 9 at night. We order right away and start to learn even more about each other. He tells me about his relationship with his family and Keaton and then goes into talking about Drew. Apparently they hated each other in high school but then they eventually decided to join forces and become a band. Now that’s the best thing they’ve ever decided to do. Then, he tells me that Drew is a little insecure and he easily gets jealous of Wes. Drew has openly admitted that he wishes he had an incredible voice like Wes.

Eventually we finish eating and we run out of things to talk about. At this point, I feel like I know everything about Wes and I bet he could say the same about me. And thankfully, the entire time we were flirting so I have a feeling that he must like as much as I do him. Wes pays for both of us and I say, “Wes, you didn’t have to…”

“No.” He interrupts me. “I wanted to do it because…” He pauses and I’m just hanging on his last word. Come on, Wes, spit it out. “I really like you, Tori. I’ve never found someone so down to earth, funny and beautiful before and I just need to let you know that I’m starting to fall for you. I love how you care about my life, past, present and future and I feel like I can tell you anything. I know this may be a little too soon but, Tori, will you be my girlfriend?”

The moment he says it my smile grows from ear to ear. He just asked me to be his girlfriend! “I would love to be!” I say as he takes my hand from across the table. Afterwards, he takes me home, walks me to the door and gives me that goodbye kiss. It may seem cliché but these are things that make me like him even more.

I close the door behind me, go right upstairs and plop down on my bed. God, I never thought Los Angeles would be THIS good to me.


Hey guys i know this is still slow but i'm still just introducing the characters. Yet again, i'm gonna say that there will be tons of drama in this story so please stick around....

How will Tori and Wes be as a couple?

How will Emblem3 do at their XFactor audition?

And why is Drew acting so weird?

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