It's Too Early

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When I step out of the bathroom, the scene of the party is exactly the same. Everyone’s partying like crazy and that’s just the way I like it! Since Hailey had just come on to me, yet again, I feel the need to find Tori and spend some time with her. I don’t want to regret not hanging out enough with the person that threw this party for me.

I look around everywhere for Tori but I can’t find her. When I make it to the back of the dance floor, Kim unexpectedly grabs my arm and drags me to one of the large tables next to the stage where the DJ is set up. Arianna is already standing there in front of a cake that has her name on it. Kim shoves me in front of mine and lights all of our candles. Kim takes a step back and the DJ starts to play the instrumental version of Happy Birthday. At first no one sings and I have no idea why until I hear a voice singing into the microphone. I haven’t heard that voice in a while but I still know it all too well.

I look onto the stage to see Wes glaring at me while beginning the Happy Birthday song. This totally catches me by surprise. He actually decided to show up? I mean, I figured that he would consider it because all of our mutual friends are here, but I honestly didn’t think he’d have the balls to show up. I guess I should have figured he would though because he’s been doing a lot of ballsy things lately. It definitely feels bittersweet to see him. It’s crazy to think he went from being the best friend, well basically brother, who I did everything with to a complete stranger in only four months. I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss him sometimes but if he doesn’t want me in his life anymore, so be it.

When Wes sees me looking back at him, he turns away immediately and I don’t blame him, this is so awkward. I wonder whose idea it was for him to get on stage and sing happy birthday to Arianna and I. Finally, everyone else joins in with him so everything goes back to normal. Arianna and I blow out our candles then everyone goes back to what they were doing before as the DJ goes back to playing music. I turn to my left, “Happy birthday, Arianna.”

“Same to you, Drew.”

I start to make my way to the bar when I remember that I was trying to find Tori. So, I turn back to Arianna and say, “Hey, do you happen to know where Tori is?”

“Yeah, actually I was going to let you know that Keaton went to take her home.”

“What? Why?” I ask but Arianna doesn’t say a word. She knows I’d figure it out on my own. This was obviously pertaining to Wes. “Did he say if she’s alright?”

“He just texted me and said he’s bringing Tori home so she can relax.” I stand there taking her words in. Tori clearly went home so she didn’t have to deal with Wes. If it’s hard for me to see him right now, I can only imagine how difficult it was for her to see him. She was the one who was in love with him and gave him everything she had. I feel so bad. I wish it hadn’t happened like this for her sake. Arianna breaks me out of my thoughts by saying, “Hey, Drew. Are you okay?”

I shake my head. “No. I need to see her and make sure she’s alright.” I turn to walk away but Arianna grabs my arm.

“But Drew, this is your party too. You can’t just leave.”

“I have to. I care about her more than anything and she needs me to be there for her right now.”

Arianna just stares at me for a second then says, “At least let me drive you. You’ve been drinking all night.”

“No it’s okay. I got my car…” I put my hands in my pocket and fish for my keys but they’re not there. “Shit. Keaton took my keys.”

“That’s my boy!” Arianna says with a smirk. “I’ll go get Kim’s keys and I’ll drive you there.”

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