No More Secrets

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“It’s not your baby, Wes. It’s mine.” These words hits me like a ton of bricks. What the hell did he just say? For a minute I feel like what he just said was a joke. That’s Drew being Drew, he’s always joking around, but when I pause for a moment and watch as he maintains a serious expression, I know he’s not kidding around.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I say, trying to remain calm.

“Listen…” Drew starts to say and I can already tell that whatever comes out of his mouth is going to be really bad. “The night of Kim’s party, after you went home with Keaton, Tori and I got really drunk.” He put emphasis on the word ‘really’. “I took her home like you asked me too but we took things a little too far.”

What? The night of the party and the night we made it through to XFactor? They’ve got to be kidding me! My body tenses up and I clench my fists. “You two had sex?!” I yell, not taking my eyes off of Drew.

“Wes, I…we….” Drew takes a step towards me and trails off.

 I turn to Tori who is staring at the ground. I call out her name and she looks up with tears falling down her cheeks. “Is this true?” I whisper to her. I have hope that she will say no because Tori would never do this kind of thing to me. Or would she?

“I’m so sorry, Wes.” She chokes out. No no no! This can’t be happening. The girl I love and my best friend have been keeping a huge secret from me for months now. They slept together. They made love. The thought of this makes me sick. How could they betray me like this?!

Tori and Drew are just staring at me. They probably want me to tell him i’m okay with everything because they were drunk and didn’t mean to do it. But no, this is not okay because they’re little mistake turned out to have a major consequence. The baby I thought was mine all along, the one I fought with Tori to keep, isn’t even mine…it’s Drew’s. This changes absolutely everything and I don’t know if things will ever be the same now.

Thinking about everything starts to get me fired up. I can feel the blood in my veins starting to boil and I just want to scream on the top of my lungs. Without any thought, my body just starts to run far away from Tori and Drew, far away from the truth, and far away from this catastrophe. I hear Tori yell my name but I ignore her and keep running. I make it out of the building and almost to my car before I break down. I fall to my knees and try to take deep breaths. Why is this happening to me? Why me?!

Seconds later I feel a hand touch my shoulder but I get up and take a few steps away. I turn to see Tori. “Wesley…”

“How could you do that to me Tori?! I’ve been so great to you right from the start and that’s how you repay me? You go and sleep with my best friend?!” I can tell by the look in her eyes that the way I’m raising my voice is scaring her.

“It didn’t mean anything!” She screams. Bullshit. If it didn’t mean anything, it wouldn’t have happened. “I was blacked out drunk!”

“That doesn’t matter!” I scream back. “You still did it and now you’re pregnant with his fucking kid! Why the hell didn’t you tell me sooner?!”

“Because I didn’t want to lose you, Wes!” I love you more than anything. Do you know how much I prayed for this baby to be yours? I want to be with YOU and I want to start a family with YOU, not Drew!”

“Well now we can’t be together. Not after all you’ve done. There’s no way I can be with you anymore, Tori. We’re through.” I instantly turn around so she can’t say anything else and so I don’t see her tears. Even though she’s hurt me, I still care about her and I don’t want to see her cry. If I do, it might make it hard for me to walk away.

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