Change of Heart

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That can’t be it. Wes can’t be the only person we know who could donate blood. If he really is our only option, then I might as well give up. There’s no way he will do it. He hates me and Drew so I can only imagine how much he despises the baby we created.

I look up at Drew who is still in deep thought. I can never figure out what’s going on in that boys mind. “How do you know that’s his blood type?”

“When we were little, Wes passed out one day on the beach. I remember his mom and I taking him to the hospital and waiting until he was done with his check up. He came out that day bragging about how when he gave blood, everyone said his was really rare.” Drew looks down and I can tell he’s replaying that exact moment in his head. It must be tough for him to reminisce on the good times with Wesley and know that they may never happen again.

I take a second to think this all through. If we asked Wes, things could go either way. Obviously, Wesley has his issues with Drew and I but would he really take it out on an innocent baby? Hell, when he thought it was his, he tried his hardest to convince me not to have an abortion! I guess there is some hope. However, Wesley hasn’t spoken to either of us in months. It would be hard to ask him to do something so big for us when he’s practically turned into a stranger.

I watch as Drew starts to pace back and forth. This is my time to speak up. “Do you think he would do it?”

Drew puts his hands on the back of his head and sighs. “We can’t rely on him…especially since we just got into a big fight.”

“What happened?”

"He tried to blame me for everything! Then he said that our daughter’s going to be fucked up.”

Drew instantly starts to get upset. I gesture for him to take a rest on my bed so he can calm down. “This isn’t your fault. You know that right?” He nods without looking at me. “We’re just going to have to find somebody else. Can you think of anyone?” When he doesn’t respond, I take the initiative. “What about my parents? One of them has to be a match!”

Drew responds right away. “They live six hours away, Tori. By time we tell them, they find a flight and get here, our 12 hours will be up.”

I guess he has a point but every single thing I mention he turns down. It’s almost as if he wants Wes to step in and do it. Maybe it’s the only hope he has left that Wes and him will be friends again, but chance of that happening are slim to none.

After minutes of pondering anyone who could help us, there’s a knock on my door. I pray that it’s the doctor coming back to disregard what he told us before, but it’s not. In walk Arianna and Kim with matching smiles on their faces. They go to my bed and say, “Tori, how are you feeling?” When they say it at the same time, I can’t help but snicker. The least bit of movement makes my stomach feel as if it’s being ripped open again so I wince in pain.

“I guess not so well, huh?” Arianna says.

“I’m okay, guys, thank you.”

They both flash me a sympathetic smile. Kim turns to Drew and says, “Keaton’s out of surgery.”

“Surgery?!” I yell but stop when I feel the pain again. “Why did he have surgery?”

Drew comes closer to me and moves a piece of hair out of my face. “He broke his leg. It’s not that bad. He’s okay now.”

He unexpectedly kisses my forehead to calm me down. He’s never done that before but I honestly don’t mind it. The second his soft lips hit my skin, all of worries went away. When he backs up, I say, “Thanks, Drew. Now go and see Keaton. Tell him that I hope he’s feeling better.”

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