The Plan

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I run away from Tori and to my car. I start it up and just drive. I have no idea where I’m going and honestly I don’t care. I just need to get far away from everyone right now. Without even realizing what I’m doing, I pull into the parking lot of my favorite bar. Why is it my favorite? Well, one of my good friends is a bartender here so he hooks me up with drinks even though I’m a year under the drinking age.

I walk in and take my usual seat all the way at the end of the bar. My friend Mike walks over and asks what I would like. “Anything strong.” I say and he goes to get it. He can tell I am upset so he doesn’t even bother with small talk. He just hands me a shot and within seconds I gulp it down so I tell him to keep them coming.

As he waits on other people at the bar, I take this time to think things through. Okay, Tori’s pregnant, I already knew that, but it’s my baby? I definitely did not see this coming! I’m actually surprised it didn’t cross my mind before. This sure does explain why she’s been acting weird towards me and why she didn’t want to tell me to begin with. I probably shouldn’t have left her on the beach alone, but I honestly do not know what to do.

Tori and I made a mistake that night we had sex and now it’s come back to bite us in the ass. Ugh, how stupid can I be? What do we do now? There’s not much we can do. The most logical thing to do would be to tell Wes the truth but telling him, especially months after it happened, will not go over well. I can’t tell him. I can’t do this to my best friend. He’s been there for me when I’ve needed him the most. He’s basically my brother. How am I supposed to tell him that I got his girlfriend pregnant?

I down another shot and then seconds later, I down another. I’m nowhere near a lightweight when it comes to drinking but I’m already starting to feel good from these shots. The more I keep thinking about everything, the more I want another one. So I have one more until Mike cuts me off and switches things up.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and I see that I have a few texts. One from Wes saying:

Where the hell did you go bro? You okay?

And then, of course, one from Tori:

I’m sorry, Drew. I didn’t want to tell you like that. I hope you’re okay…

I slam my phone down in frustration. I want to let out a scream but I’m able to control myself because I’m in public. All of a sudden, I hear someone say, “Drew?”

I look to my left to find Hailey, my ex-girlfriend, standing there. The second I see her, I don’t know how to feel. I honestly never thought I would see her again. We don’t live that close to each other and we never hang out in the same places. Well, until now. “Hailey..” I say trying to calm myself down.

“Hey, are you okay?” She asks sincerely as she takes the seat next to me.

“No, I’m not.” I say as the feeling of frustration starts to build back up.

“What’s wrong?” She asks sweetly.

This is the moment I wish I wasn’t drunk because when I’m drunk, I can’t control anything that comes out of my mouth. Just like most people, things I wouldn’t normally say just tend to slip out. “Oh, nothing! I just got Wesley’s girlfriend pregnant. No big deal!” I say laughing at how ridiculous it all sounds.

“Wesley’s girlfriend? You mean that Tori girl?” Hailey asks. She never actually met Tori because when we dated, Tori and I weren’t friendly.

“Yup. She’s pregnant! But noooo, not with Wesley’s baby. With mine!” At this point, I have no filter.

“Calm down, Drew.” She says and I manage to take a deep breath and simmer down. “When did this happen?”

“The night we broke up.” I say without any hesitation. “She was there for me when you weren’t.”

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