The Only Match

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Today has been the absolute worst day of my life. It started out amazing with Tori lying beside me and our baby safely inside of her then when I went to my surprise party, everything went downhill…literally. Honestly, nothing will ever prepare you for the moment you find out the girl you love, the girl carrying your child, was in a bad car accident. But surprisingly, that’s the only part of today I could somewhat handle. The part that truly broke me was knowing that there’s a possibility my daughter won’t live to see tomorrow.

This is just not fair. I’ve sacrificed so much so that I can be a part of her life. I want to be able to hold her and look into her precious little eyes but I can’t. The nurses just took her away in the blink of an eye. I’m usually a very high spirited, uplifting guy but this has seriously brought me down. I don’t know what to do anymore.

After the doctor took her away, they didn’t give us any other information. Now, I’m in Tori’s hospital room sitting here as she finally gets some rest. It’s been hours since the delivery and I could tell she was exhausted but she was too nervous to sleep. She told me she is scared to wake up and find out our baby girl is gone. Naturally, I comforted her the best I could and she fell asleep a few minutes ago.

As I look at her peaceful face, I notice that there are cuts everywhere from her forehead to her chin. She even has a few stitches on her right temple. It breaks my heart to see her looking like this. I just wish I could take all of her pain away. She doesn’t deserve to be hurting whatsoever. She has such a kind heart and that’s what I love about her. How could something so cruel happen to such an amazing person?

Thinking about this makes me want to get to the bottom of it. Clearly, Keaton was the one driving the car. Was he drunk or not paying attention? I need to know what happened, not to mention I need to find out if he’s okay. I silently leave Tori’s room so she doesn’t wake up and I make my way to the front desk. “Excuse me? Could you please tell me where Keaton Stromberg’s room is?”

“Well are you family?” The lady asks with an amount of attitude I don’t need to hear right now. When she asks this, it occurs to me that I might not be able to see Keaton if I’m not family which means he must not be doing well. I need to see him.

“Yes. He’s my brother.” The lady nods and gives me the directions to his room. I slowly walk there as I think about the worst possible case scenarios. I stop at his door but pause to pray that he’s not as bad as I think. I open the door to find him laying there with his eyes closed. His right leg is raised up high and he has a few bandages on his arms. “Keaton?”

His eyes pop open but when he sees it’s just me, he relaxes. “Drew.” He says softly. He’s obviously very weak right now.

“How are you feeling buddy?”


“What’s with your leg?” I ask looking it up and down.

“I broke it in three places. I have to have surgery in a few.”

“What about everything else?”

“I bruised a few ribs and have deep cuts from the glass of the windshield all over my body.” He tries to shift his body but weeps out in pain.

“I’m so sorry Keats.”

“It’s not your fault Drew.”

I fake a grin before asking, “So what even happened? Why the hell did you guys crash?”

“We were driving down that creep street and I went to slow down before the turn but the breaks in your car weren’t working. Then a truck came and I had to dodge it but I lost control of the wheel.”

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