Wisdom from the past. Cure Afrodite appere

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Aoi woke up and made herself ready for school. While she did, she couldn't stop thinking about what happened the day before. Kyoko turned into a pretty cure and defeated a monster. And she couldn't let go of the feeling she had around Yangso either. She felt a proud of her friend, but also a little jealous. Being a pretty cure and help others would be great, but she doubted that she would manage it.

With a sigh she walked out of the house and walked to school. Her thoughts swirled around in her head. Why couldn't she be more brave like Kyoko? Why couldn't she have more confidence in herself? Why was she such a wimp? She then saw Kyoko and shook the thoughts off.

"Aoi. Hi." Kyoko said and embraced Aoi into a hug. "So Yinsy and Yangso is in your house right now?" Aoi said and looked around to see that the fairies wasn't there. But then Kyoko's bag popped open and the two fairies flew out. "Nope we're here-yi." Yinsy said before hugging Kyoko. "You took them to school? What if someone sees them? Isn't your pretty cure identity suppose to be a secret?" Aoi said a little worried.

Kyoko rubbed the back of her head. "I couldn't just leave them alone. Plus we need to find Yangso a pretty cure too." She before Yangso flew over to Aoi. "I can find her by myself-ya. I don't need help with that-ya." He said a little bit mad. The bell rang and the girl walked through the courtyard. "Let's do like this. Yangso, you go and look for your pretty cure without being seen. Then at the end of school we meet up." Aoi said and Yangso just rolled his eyes. "Fine, see you then-ya." He said and flew off while the girls and Yinsy went into the school.

Meanwhile in the darkened kingdom walked Carlos into Calypso's throne room. "You wanned to see me my queen?" He said while bowing. "Yes. Your last Darkaro didn't do well enough. Make sure to find someone who's hopes and dreams will create a good one. So we can defeat this cure Sakura. And if you fail this time. Well you know the punishment." Calypso said and glared daggers into Carlos who gulped. "Yes my queen." Carlos said and teleported away.

The school day ended and the girls meet up with Yangso behind the school. "So. Did you find anyone?" Kyoko asked with Yinsy in her arms. "Nope-ya. No one was good enough to be my pretty cure-ya." Yangso said and flew a little closer to Aoi. They both then felt that feeling from yesterday again. But before they could say anything about it, was they snapped out of their thoughts by Kyoko.

"I know. Aoi can be your pretty cure!" She said making Aoi and Yangso look at her shocked. "That's a great idea-yi." Yinsy said smiling. "Me/her-ya?" Both the wolf fairy and girl said. "Why not? Me and Yinsy became partners. So you two maybe are suppose to too." Kyoko said as she and Yinsy smiled big. Aoi and Yangso looked at eachother and shook their heads. "I'm not fitted of being a pretty cure. I'm not as brave as you." Aoi said and looked down. "Ofcourse you are. I believe in you." Kyoko said with a hand on Aoi's shoulder.

Yangso flew between them. "Well I agree with Aoi here-ya. She's not fitted being a pretty cure at all-ya. She's to quiet, wimpy and wouldn't last long as one-ya. And would never have someone like her as my pretty cure or friend-ya." Yangso said and the others gasped. Aoi felt how her eyes watered. "Don't say that about my best friend. That's not true at all." Kyoko said before Aoi spoke up. "No. He's right. I'm not fitted at all to be a pretty cure. I'm a big wimp and I'll always be. It's better if I wasn't associated with pretty cures at all." Tear came running down her face as she ran off.

The others looked after her and Yangso felt guilty. "I didn't mean to make her cry-ya." He said and Kyoko patted his head a little. "Go talk to her okay. We meet up later." She said and Yangso nodded before flying after Aoi. Yinsy looked sad and Kyoko hugged her. "I'm sure they'll make up. Let's go home." She said and Yinsy nodded.

In a part of the park was a little girl looking at her new shoes with laces. "These shoes are so cool. I'll absolutely be able to run faster with them and become a famous sprinter." She said and smiled big as a red light appered around her. Carlos saw her from a bush and smiled.

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