Lazy Yangso!? Little brother's fairy toy.

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The sun was shining as Aoi was by her desk writing a list. Meanwhile Yangso layed in the bed feeling tired. "That would be the last thing we need." Aoi said and stood up. "Need to what-ya?" Yangso asked in a tired tone. "To the summer festival this weekend. Me and the others are in charge of the ring tossing game. So we're gonna buy some prizes. Now let's go." The girl answered and grabbed her purse.

Yangso just yawned. "I stayed up all night looking at the moon-ya. I'm very tired-ya. So I stay here-ya." The wolf fairy said and turned around. Aoi just shook her head. "What if Amane attacks? I need you to transform." She argued back and Yangso just turned again. "I'll come to you then-ya. While the others manage -ya." Aoi started to get annoyed.

"Fine. If you want to be lazy then be my guest." And with that Aoi walked out of her room while Yangso kept sleeping. Soon Aoi meet up with the other girls at the toy store. "Hey Aoi." Kyoko cheerfully said before noticing Aoi's concerned look. "What is it?" Aoi sighed. "Yangso is home sleeping. I told him that he should be with me in case we need to transform. But he didn't care." She answered and the other girls looked at eachother concerned.

"Well. Let's not think about that. Let's go and buy some toys for our game." Aoi said and walked into the store, followed by the other girls who was still concerned. Meanwhile was Yangso sleeping deep, he didn't even noticed that Aoi's ten year old brother Kaito walked into the room. "Aoi? She's not here. And I who wanned to play with her." He said and looked around the room.

His eyes soon stopped on the sleeping Yangso on the bed. He walked up and picked him up. "Wow. A wolf doll. Aoi wouldn't mind if I played with it for awhile." Kaito said and walked downstairs with Yangso in his hands. "I'm going to the park mom!" He soon shouted. This made Yangso open his eyes and he noticed that he was in the hands of a little kid.

"Ok. But be back for lunch." Kaito's and Aoi's mother said before Kaito walked out the door. Yangso couldn't do anything thanks to he needed to keep Aoi's pretty cure identity secret. So he needed to find a way to get away from this kid.

Meanwhile where the girls on the way home from the toy store after buying toys. "This will be beautiful prizes for our game. Don't you think so Aoi?" Kyoko said and saw how Aoi was zoned out. "Aoi!" Aoi snapped out of her thoughts and looked up. "Oh sorry." She hanged her head. "Still thinking about Yangso?" Mukuro asked and Aoi nodded.

"I just feel like we're not getting along sometimes. Like if our bond will break." Yinsy flew out of Kyoko's purse and was infront of Aoi. "Yangso might be hard to agree with sometimes-yi. But he has a great heart and keeps his close ones happy-yi." The fairy said and Aoi smiled. "Thanks Yinsy. I better apologize for calling him lazy. When I get home." Aoi said and they all smiled.

In the park had Kaito just arrived with Yangso in his arms. Now Yangso wished that he'd followed Aoi out. But ofcourse he needed to be lazy. Kaito arrived at the playground and walked up the slide. "Are you ready mister wolf? Then let's go!" He said and slid down the slide. Yangso held his screams inside as they reached the end.

But it didn't stop there. Kaito started to play more with Yangso. From the sea saw, the swings and even a carousel. "You're so fun." Kaito smiled as Yangso wished he was with Aoi.

In a tree by the playground was Amane looking on. She soon saw Yangso in Kaito's arms. "Seem like a pretty cure's fairy has lost it's way." She said smirking before noticing a businessman walking by the playground. "What fun I had on my old playground as a kid. Maybe I can make this one bigger for the kids." He smiled as a yellow and orange light appered around him.

Amane smirked and took up her pendant. "Lights out!" She said and a yellow and orange light orb flew out of the man and into the pendant, making his eyes darken. "It will never work." He said as Amane smirked before jumping infront of Kaito, making him back up. "Hand over that fairy little kid." Kaito looked at her confused. "Fairy?" He asked. "The one you're holding." Amane answered and Kaito looked at Yangso who was still acting like a toy.

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