Teamwork is key. Shining soccer kick.

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It was Friday afternoon and the girls was on their way home. "So. Excited for our first soccer practice tomorrow?" Aoi asked Kyoko who nodded. "Yep. It's gonna be so fun. And we'll be on the same team. Nothing can stop us." Kyoko answered and Aoi giggled at her best friend. The two fairies peeked out of their bags. "It's gonna be so fun watching you play-yi." Yinsy said smiling. "You're gonna crush the others-ya." Yangso added and the girls smiled.

After getting home was Kyoko practicing some soccer tricks while Yinsy watched. "You're very good at that-yi." She said and Kyoko smiled before catching the ball in her hands. "I've been playing alot of soccer with my dad." She said and sat down in bed. "What's the most important thing to playing soccer-yi?" Yinsy asked as she landed on Kyoko's lap and she got petted.

"I think it's to have fun with your friends. And also to go forth with the game." Kyoko answered and smiled at Yinsy who smiled too. Aoi meanwhile was writing down things in her note book. Yangso flew over her shoulder and looked. "What's that-ya?" He asked and Aoi turned to him. "It's what I think is the most important thing to playing soccer. To make up a plan of playing and stick to it." Aoi answered as Yangso sat on her shoulder.

"What does Kyoko think about it-ya.?" He asked. "We do our own things. That way we don't fight over what we should do." Aoi answered and walked over to her bed. Yangso looked sceptical about it but didn't say anything. Both girls fell asleep and the two fairies flew outside and meet by the park. "I'm so excited to see the girls play-yi." Yinsy said and Yangso nodded in agreement. "Me too-ya. But it seems like they both have different ideas how to play-ya." He said in concern and Yinsy looked at him.

He told her what Aoi said and understood Yangso's concern. "Yeah-yi. It seems like they are more focused on not fighting over an idea-yi. That they forget about teamwork-yi." She said and looked at the moon. "If only they could have the exact teamwork they have when they're cures-ya." Yangso said with a sigh and Yinsy nodded.

They flew back home, not noticing that a hooded figure had heard them. "Seems like they need some help to work together outside the pretty cure work." They said and teleported away to the darkened kingdom. Quietly they swept through the halls and arrived outside Carlos's room. They took up a piece of paper with something written on it and swept it under the door before teleporting away.

The next day was Kyoko and Aoi at soccer practice with others. They had put their bags on the side with the fairies inside. Both was excited about playing. The teacher called them up. "Ok everyone. Today we're starting off with two against two. So if you don't have a teammate allready, then I'll team you up." She said and Aoi and Kyoko got together.

They where given purple bands to put around themselves and was ready to go against a team of two boys. "It's gonna be easy." The first boy said. "Yeah. Girls aren't good at all." The other boy said and both laughed. Kyoko and Aoi looked at eachother. "I do my thing and you do your thing." Kyoko said and Aoi nodded.

Aoi and Kyoko got a ball each. "And one more thing. A team get a ball per person." The teacher said and blew her whistle. Kyoko ran right forward with her ball as Aoi run around. The boys tried to take the soccer balls from them. But the girls managed to keep them away. Both fairies was amazed over how good their cures where. But the disappeared when both girl kicked the balls at the goal. Only for them to hit eachother and fly to the boys who kicked into the other goal.

"Ha. Knew we wouldn't lose." The first boy said and the other high fived him. The girls looked down. Not knowing what went wrong. Meanwhile had Carlos made himself ready for a new day when he saw the note by his door. "Want to give the pretty cures a challenge? Their teamwork at soccer isn't that great." The note said and Carlos grinned before teleporting away.

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