Lost necklace. Kyoko's big problem.

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Kyoko and Aoi was in her room and studied as the fairies played with cards. "There. We should be ready for math quiz tomorrow." Aoi said and smiled. "Yeah. But what if I mess up anyway then I'll fail and have to redo the year. I'm gonna be an old woman." Kyoko said and flopped her face in the bed.

Aoi giggled and got an idea. "I know." She said and pulled something out of her pocket. Kyoko looked up and saw a necklace. It had a gold chain and a lily hanging. "This necklace will give you luck. It's what I uses when I'm gonna talk infront of others." Aoi said and put it on Kyoko who smiled at it. "It's beautiful. Thank you." Kyoko said and hugged her friend. "You can give it back after school tomorrow." Aoi suggested and Kyoko nodded.

Later Aoi went home with Yangso and left Kyoko staring at the necklace. "It's a very beautiful necklace-yi." Yinsy said. "Yeah. And it's my responsibility to make sure nothing happens to it." Kyoko said and went to bed. The next she walked to school with the necklace around her neck. She smiled brightly as she walked through the park. "I'm so ready for the math quiz. I'm gonna nail it." She said yawning.

As she yawned her foot got caught on a root and she fell to the ground. "Are you okay-yi?" Yinsy asked as Kyoko stood up and dusted herself off. "I'm okay. Just need to be more careful where I step. Let's go." She answered happily and continued to walk to school. Not noticing that she left something in a bush.

Meanwhile in the darkened kingdom was Carlos doing tricks in his gym. He jumped back and forth while waving his arm and making weird sounds. "You pretty cures think you're so tough? Well how about this?" He said and did a front flip, only to land on his face. Calypso walked in and shook her head. "You're hopeless. Go out and look for light orbs." She said and Carlos quickly stood up in embarrassment. "Yes my queen." He said and ran out while Calypso shook her head.

Kyoko and Aoi walked out of their classroom after the quiz and smiled. "It wasn't as hard as I thought." Kyoko said sighing in relief. "Yeah. You can thank the necklace. It made you more calm, which made you concentrate." Aoi said as they walked into the courtyard. "Yep it's all thanks the the necklace." Kyoko said and put a hand where the necklace where.

But she then felt how it was completely empty at the place. That's when she realised that the necklace was gone. "I'm just gonna grab my book. I'll be right back." She said and ran off, leaving both Aoi and Yangso confused. She managed to find a place to hide. "I lost Aoi's necklace!" She yelled and Yinsy tried to calm her down. "Calm down. We just need tell her and she'll help us find it-yi." Yinsy said and Kyoko looked at her. "No! I can't tell her I lost it. She gave it to me in trust. If she finds out I lost something special of her. Then she'll stop being my friend." Kyoko said thinking about Aoi walking away from her mad.

Just then she got a small knock on her head. "Don't worry-yi. Aoi is your best friend and would never leave you for something like that-yi." Yinsy said and Kyoko looked down a little conflicted. Then something hit her. "I know. After school, I'll quickly go to the park, find the necklace and return it without Aoi even knowing it was lost." Kyoko said imagining her doing just so. Yinsy didn't know how to feel about that.

Aoi was eating her lunch and Yangso sat on her lap. "Why didn't you tell Kyoko that you found your necklace in the bush-ya?" He asked and Aoi smiled. "Because. I want Kyoko to not be afraid of telling me if she lost something of mine. When she confess, then I tell her." Aoi said and Yangso smiled at that idea. He knew that part of being friends was that you must confess if you've done something wrong. And he was more proud that his pretty cure was smart and cunning.

The school day went by and Kyoko quickly ran towards the park to start looking for the necklace. "Where is it? Did I fall there or there? Why does the park need to be so big!?" She said while looking as Yinsy looked concerned. Aoi stood some distance away and started to feel bad. "Maybe I should tell her." She said and Yangso flew infront of her. "Wait-ya. Remember that she needs to learn-ya." He said and Aoi reluctantly nodded.

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