The three lights of hope! Let our hearts glow.

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The shadow lord laughed as the cures watched. "We can't let him win. Let's go!" Sakura said and the others nodded. They all ran towards the shadow lord and he smirked. "Pretty cure. Let's see what you got." He said as the cures started to attack. They kicked and punched but he managed to block them.

"Let's use our attacks together." Afrodite suggested and the others nodded. "Ultra Sakura shurikens!" Sakura threw giant shurikens. "Mega Afrodite arrow!" Afrodite fired a big arrow. "Ultra Jade spear!" Jade threw a giant spear. All three attacks managed to hit the shadow lord and slowed him down. "Now's our chance." Jade said before they all summoned their swords.

All three where in a dark void with their colors as stars. "Shine. The three blades of hope!" They said while holding their swords. The blades glew in their respective colors. "Blade of passion!" Sakura yelled and cut through the air with cherry blossom flowers flying after the blade. "Blade of wisdom!" Afrodite yelled and cut through the air with water drops flying after the blade. "Blade of justice!" Jade yelled and cut down with a lighting bolt following the blade.

They all held the swords up that glew stronger. "Let our shining hope slash through darkness." They all said and jumped into the air, towards the Mega Darkaro. Lights in their respective colors appeared around them. "Pretty cure! Shining triple slash!" They yelled and slashed the air one by one. The three slashes went together and hit the shadow lord.

But to the cure's shock was he still standing there. Without a scratch and just smirked. "It didn't do anything." Afrodite said. "What do we do now?" Jade said as the shadow lord laughed. "You think you can defeat me? I'm the shadow lord. I'm darkness true form. I've always been there to distinguish the hope and dreams of people. Making them give up. Yet they're push me away. But not anymore. Cause I'll put the entire universe in internal darkness and despair!" Suddenly everything became dark in the kingdom and on earth. Everyone got filled of despair.

"And to you cures. I got something special for you." He said and a dark hole appeared under the cures. They tried to jump away but they where stuck as they slowly got dragged inside. The shadow lord laughed as the cures screamed while falling down. "Now nothing can stop me." He said and walked off.

The cures landed in the dark hole. As they did, they turned back into their civilian forms. Looking around they saw that there where no way out of. "What are we gonna do now?" Aoi said. Mukuro looked around and shook her head. "There's nothing we can do. We lost." She said as her eyes darkened. Kyoko looked shock before looking at Aoi. "She's right. There's nothing we can do." Her eyes darkened too.

The fairies looked at eachother before loosing their light too. "We can't give up. We can't-" Kyoko tried but soon felt how despair started to overwhelm her. "Give in to the despair." A voice said and Kyoko turned around. There infront of her was a dark shadow of herself. "There's nothing you can do. Just give up. It's easier that way. Let go of your hopes and dreams." The shadow said and Kyoko felt how she started to move towards the shadow.

"Don't!" A hand stopped her. She turned and saw her cure self. "You can't give up. Darkness and despair will always be there. But your inner light will help you stand up again. Believe in yourself. And don't go to the darkness." She said and the shadow groaned. "Don't listen to her. You know the truth." Kyoko turned to the shadow and smiled. "I do. And I know that the light will always guide us right." She said and grabbed the hand of her cure self.

Her eyes became normal as she grabbed her friend's hand's. "Don't give up. Let the light guide you right." She said as a pink light appered around her. It moved towards Aoi who glew blue and later to Mukuro glew green and yellow. They snapped out of the trans and looked around with a smile.

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