A new enemy! Shining duo attack.

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Kyoko walked home from school in rain. Her rain clothes got drenched in water from the sky. But even so she smiled. "Can't wait for my and Aoi's sleepover tonight." She said and Yinsy popped out from her purse. "Yeah-yi. And Kitty really likes Yangso-yi." She said referring to the kitten they found. Kyoko smiled big as she continued to walk home. But she didn't notice that Calypso's new ninja Amane watched her before jumping away.

Aoi walked out of a store with a bag of snacks. She took her umbrella out and walked home. "Is there anything special for me-ya?" Yangso asked from her purse and Aoi smiled. "You have to wait and see." She said and continued to walk. The rain stopped and the sun shined through the clouds, making a rainbow appere. "It's so beautiful. To think light and water can do something like this." Aoi said and Yangso nodded before they continued to walk.

Amane watched her too before teleporting away. She appeared in the darkened kingdom and walked into Calypso's throne room. "My queen. I've studied the pretty cures." She said bowing and Calypso smirked. "Good. And will you be able to take care of them?" She asked and Amane nodded. "My powers allows me to create stronger Darkaros. I won't fail you." She answered and Calypso nodded. "The pretty cures won't have a chance." She laughed.

It was later that day and the girls and fairies was in Aoi's room for their sleepover. Kyoko had taken Kitty with her and the little kitten stroked against Yangso who smiled. "This is gonna be the greatest sleepover ever." Kyoko said and Aoi giggled. "You always say that. But right now I agree. Because we have two more. Or three with Kitty." She said and the fairies and kitten smiled.

The sun started to fall and it got darker as the girls and fairies had fun as Kitty fell asleep. "By the way. You've talked about the Kingdom of light. But we don't know much of it." Kyoko said and the fairies looked at eachother before nodding. "We tell you-ya." Yangso said and the girls listened closely. "The Kingdom of light holds all light in the world-ya. It's there where fairies of light like me and Yinsy is born-ya." Yangso started. "It's ruled by the princess of light-yi. She's the princess off us all and a good hearted soul-yi." Yinsy said before she and Yangso looked down sad.

"What is it?" Aoi asked concerned. "We're worried about our home-ya." Yangso said sadly. "A kingdom of darkness attacked it-yi. Luckily our kingdom managed to push them back-yi. And that's when we got sent here-yi." Yinsy said as sadly as Yangso. "But we're worried about how our friends there are doing and if they're okay-ya." Yangso added as both fairies looked down sadly. After hearing that, the girls gently embraced their respective fairy in a hug.

"Don't worry. We'll won't let them win." Aoi said and the fairies smiled big. They continued their fun as in the garden, Aoi's mom was doing a little decorating with garden gnomes. "You really are cute. You're really gonna bring up the garden." She said as a silver appered around her. Amane saw this and jumped behind her.

She took up a dark pendant that had some metal on it. "Lights out!" She said and a silver light orb flew out of Aoi's mom and into the pendant, making her eyes darken. "This gnomes won't do a thing to my garden." She said and walked inside as Amane gave a little smirk.

Inside was Yinsy and Yangso feeling that a light orb was stolen. The girls ran down but Aoi stopped when she saw her mom. "It's my mom. Her light orb was stolen." She said and Kyoko put a hand on her shoulder. "We'll fix it." She said and Aoi nodded before they ran out. There they saw Amane waiting for them. "So you're the pretty cure." She said while holding the pendant.

"Who are you?" Kyoko asked. "I'm Amane. Queen Calypso's new ninja." Amane answered. "Give back my mom's light orb!" Aoi said and Amane smirked. "Let's see if you can handle this." She said and held up the pendant. "Rise warrior of darkness. Rise up, Darkaro!" Amane yelled and the silver light orb turned black before flying out together with metal and turned into a monster that looked like a garden gnome with armor. "Darkaro!" It yelled.

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