The duo's in trouble? The shocking cure Jade.

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Kyoko and Aoi was walking to school and talked. "I'm feeling excited for today. I can't wait for school." Kyoko said with a big smile and Aoi laughed. "That's what I like about you. You're always positive about things others might not like. But I gotta agree with the school." She answered and both laughed. The fairies looked at eachother from the girl's bags and smiled at their cures.

What they didn't see was the hooded figure watching in a tree. "Those girls really are special. Is it too early for me to show myself?" They asked themselves before shaking their head. "I know when time's right." The hooded figure said and jumped off.

In the darkened kingdom was Amane in her room, experimenting with metal and the cure's hair strains. She burned the strain of hair to ash and melted the metal. "When this is done. The cures wont have a chance." She grinned as the metal slowly melted.

Back in the park landed the hooded figure and was meet by Carlos. "You're back. So anything new?" He asked and the hooded figure shook their head. "No. But I have a strange feeling that the time for me to appear is close." They answered and Carlos nodded before going to train. Meanwhile the hooded figure stood by a tree looking at different people running around.

Their attention soon landed on a pair of two girls running around laughing. A smile appered on their face as something glew under the hood. They grabbed it and held it up. In their hand was a pendant with a eight pointed star. It glew bright yellow and green and the hooded figure smiled at it.

In school was Kyoko and Aoi eating lunch when Kyoko spoke up. "Have you thought about the hooded figure anything?" She asked and Aoi nodded. "I have. I really wonder who it can be." Aoi answered as the fairies was under the bench the girls sat on. "Do you think we should tell them-yi?" Yinsy asked and Yangso shook his head. "We promised not to-ya. It's not our thing to tell-ya." He answered and Yinsy looked down.

"I just don't wanna lie to them-yi." She said and Yangso sighed before hugging her. "It's better if they find out themselves-ya. Just let the right time come-ya." He said and Yinsy smiled. Kyoko was thinking about the hooded figure hard. "What if it's a guardian angel looking after us. Or an alien from outer space. Or it might be a wizard from the medieval times." She said thinking about all the things. Aoi giggled and shook her head. "I don't think so. I mean. Fairies from another world who helps us transform into pretty cures is one thing. But a wizard from the medieval times is another." She said and both girls laughed.

Amane added the ash from the hair into the melted metal and stirred it around. A glow appeared from it and she carefully poured it onto her pendant. It flew into the air and glew very bright. She grinned and grabbed it. "It's done. The cures are finally finished." She said and teleported away.

Kyoko and Aoi walked into the park after school and sat down by a tree. "Friday afternoon. Best afternoon day." Kyoko said and Aoi just shook her head smiling. The hooded figure watched them and smiled a little. They really wanned to show themselves but it wasn't time yet.

By a pond was a man looking for flowers. "These really are beautiful. I'll make very beautiful decorations out of them." He said as a light pink light appered around him. Amane smirked and took up her dark pendant with the new metal on it. "Lights out!" She said and a light pink light orb flew out of the man and into the pendant, making his eyes darken. "The flowers will just die and become ugly. A waste of time." He said and walked off.

The fairies felt that a light orb was stolen and showed the way for the girls. Following them was the hooded figure. Both girls soon saw Amane. "Good to see you pretty cure." She said. "Return the light orb." Aoi said and Amane smirked. "I have a special surprise for you." She said and then held up the pendant.

"Rise warrior of darkness. Rise up, Mega Darkaro!" Amane yelled and the light pink light orb turned black before flying out together with metal and turned into a monster that looked like a flower with arms legs and armor. But it's body was bigger with dark orbs around it's body. " Mega, Darkaro!" It yelled.

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