Christmas time. Kyoko's shining memories.

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In the darkened kingdom was Calypso sitting on her throne as Amane walked in. "You called my queen." She kneeled down and Calypso stood up. "You have disappointed me." Amane's eyes shot open in shock. "I thought that you would make some progress. But I was wrong. It's been many months but still no results." Calypso didn't even look at Amane who was sweating.

"My queen. Please. It isn't my fault. It's-" Amane began. "Silence! I'm aware that the pretty cures have defeated your monsters many times. But that's no excuse. So I'm gonna give you. One last chance. If you fail. Then I will personally. Finish you off." Calypso finished and Amane nodded before walking out of the room.

When she was gone Calypso took up her dark crystal. "Very good my queen. Now our next step can begin." The shadow said and Calypso smiled. "And the princess of the Kingdom of light will soon pay." She said and glared at a painting with her and princess Callisto. "That will teach you for throwing me into the shadows. Dear sister." She laughed as dark smoke appered around her.

In Hashinto town was the girls walking around town, looking at the Christmas decorations. Finally Christmas had come to the town. "Christmas is so wonderful-yi." Yinsy said from Kyoko's purse. "It is-ya." Yangso answered. Kyoko looked up in the sky. The snow was falling and one flake landed on her nose, making her giggled. "I love Christmas. I have alot of fantastic memories. Ecspecialy those with my grandma." She said and the others looked at her.

Aoi knew that Kyoko's grandma had past away a couple of years ago. Mukuro and the fairies got to know it too. Around Christmas Kyoko had always visiting her grandma and had alot of fun. But after her death had Kyoko's family celebrated Christmas differently. By visiting her grave and wishing a merry Christmas.

A few tears ran down Kyoko's cheek, so the other girls put their hands on her shoulder. "I miss her. But as long me and the others remember her. She's never truly gone." The others smiled at her statement. "That's so beautiful." Mukuro said and Aoi nodded. "Yeah. So I gotta go fix some things. See you guys at the Christmas tree." She said and they all went back to their homes to fix some things.

Kyoko was sitting by her desk and wrapped something in two small boxes. Kitty was sleeping on her bed while Yinsy was on her. "This Christmas is gonna be special. I just know it." Kyoko said and looked at a photo of her and her grandma when she was younger. Memories of them having fun and being together appered in her mind. Soon her mother walked inside.

"It's time to go sweety." She said and Kyoko nodded before walking out of her room with Yinsy and the gifts in her purse. She and her parents soon arrived at the Christmas tree where Aoi and Mukuro meet up with them. "Hey girls. I got something special for you." She said and gave them the small boxes. They both smiled and opened them.

Inside where braided bracelets in their respective colors. "Wow. Kyoko. They're so beautiful." Mukuro said as she and Aoi put them on. "So we'll always remember the we're best friends." They all smiled before Kyoko saw her mother looking at the tree with some tears in her eyes. She walked up and hugged her. "I really miss her. But she'll always be in our hearts." Kyoko smiled and nodded as a pink light appered around her mom.

Amane saw this and took up her pendant. "Lights out!" She said and a pink light orb flew out of the Kyoko's mom and into the pendant, making her eyes darken. "She's gone. And won't be in our hearts." Shee said as Amane smirked. Kyoko's eyes widend as she soon glared at Amane.

The others saw her and they all ran after her. "Merry Christmas pretty cure." Amane said. "Give back my mother's light orb at once!" Kyoko demanded and Amane smirked and held up her pendant.

"Rise warrior of darkness. Rise up, Mega Darkaro!" Amane yelled and the pink light orb turned fully black before flying out together with both the metal and dark crystal before turning into a monster. To Kyoko's shock, it looked like her grandma with armor. Also with dark orbs around it's body. It's skin was made of dark crystal. " Mega, Darkaro!" It yelled. 

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