Slashing light! The cure's shining hope.

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Daya walked into the throne room where the princess of the Kingdom of light sat on her throne. Her name was Callisto.

 Her name was Callisto

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(A/N. How she looks like.)

"You called your majesty." Daya said and bowed down. "I can feel how Calypso and the shadow lord have gotten stronger." Callisto said and Daya got worried. "Is the pretty cures in danger?" He asked and Callisto shook her head with a comforting smile. "Not from what I can feel. But I'm gonna keep an eye out." She said and Daya nodded before leaving.

Callisto looked out of her window and sighed. "What are you planning Calypso." She said.

In Hashinto town was Kyoko and the others walking through town. "It's a very lovely day." Kyoko said and the others nodded. "It really is." Aoi added. Suddenly they saw how's Mukuro's pendant started to glow. "Is it Amane?" Aoi asked and the fairies shook their heads. "We don't feel anything-ya." Yangso answered.

Mukuro grabbed her pendant and a hologram of light appeared. The one calling was Daya. "Greetings pretty cure." He said and the cures gathered around. "Daya. What is it?" Mukuro asked. "Calypso has gotten stronger." He answered. "Is there something we can handle?" Aoi added. "For now. But princess Callisto will keep her eyes open. See you soon." Daya said and ended the call.

"So Calypso is getting stronger." Aoi said a little worried. "It seems like so. I hope we can still protect people's inner light orbs." Mukuro answered worried too. Kyoko looked at her friends worried faces before turning to Yinsy that felt the same. "Hey. No matter what they throw at us. We'll be able to handle it. Our hope will always shine through." She gently said and the others smiled.

Yinsy flew into Kyoko's arms determined. "She's right-yi. You're pretty cure and can't lose hope-yi." She shouted and everyone smiled. Hearing those words made something inside of them shine up. "Come on. Let's go to the mall. I pay for ice cream." Kyoko suggested and the others nodded before they walked towards the mall.

In the darkened kingdom was Calypso looking at the dark crystal her master gave her. Amane walked in and kneeled before her. "You called my queen." She said and Calypso threw the crystal at her. "This will help you defeat the pretty cure. Use it well." Calypso said and Amane nodded before leaving.

She looked at the crystal and fused it with her pendant. In the middle was now the dark crystal shining. "This will do the work." She said with a smirk and teleported away.

The girls was walking by an outside gym eating ice cream. "Mmm. Strawberry is so good." Mukuro said while eating her ice cream. "I agree. But I wonder what the best ice cream flavor is." Aoi wondered and Kyoko turned to them. "That's a good question. Because there's the classic vanilla,then chocolate and strawberry. But there's also other flavors like caramel and cookies and cream. And many more. How can someone chose?" Kyoko ranted while imagining all the different flavors piling up in her cone.

"Maybe it's what each person like-yi." Yinsy said and the girl thought about it. "That's right." They all said and laughed. Just then Kyoko saw someone familiar on the outside gym. "Wait. That's sensai Kanaga." She said and pointed. The others turned and saw that it was their history teacher who was warming up. "Wow. He really likes training." Aoi said smiling. "Yeah. It's good that he keeps his body moving." Mukuro added and the others nodded.

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