Mukuro's rival? Kendo club with style.

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Mukuro and Hina walked into the courtyard and sat down for lunch. "I still can't believe Maki was the lost princess." Hina said, talking about an episode of a series she and Mukuro saw earlier. "Me neither. That twist was so good though." Mukuro answered taking a bite of her food.

Just then a female student came up to them. "Hi.j I'm Aiko Tatsubami. Leader of the kendo club. My club is looking for new members. Are any of you interested?" Aiko asked and Hina shook her head. "Not really my thing. But Mukuro is maybe interested." She said and Mukuro nodded. "I'd love to try." Mukuro answered and Aiko smiled. "Good. See you after school." Aiko said and walked away.

The school day went by and Hina walked home, while Mukuro together with Kyoko and Aoi walked towards the kendo club. "Kendo looks so fun." Kyoko said happily and Aoi nodded. "Yeah. To bad we need to wait until next year to join." She added and they soon arrived. In there where club members dressed in their kendo outfits. Aiko walked up to the girls.

"Welcome. I see you brought two others." Aiko said and Mukuro nodded. "These are two of my friends. They're here to watch." She said proudly and Aiko handed her gear. "Go change. Then we can start." Aiko said and Mukuro nodded. While Mukuro went and changed sat Kyoko and Aoi down on the side. Yinsy and Yangso peeked out of their bags and looked at the members who trained.

"It's just like the training back home-yi." Yinsy said. "Really?" Kyoko curiously asked. "The ninja of the Kingdom of light train like this every day-ya." Yangso cheerfully added. Mukuro soon came back changed and walked up to train with Aiko. "I'll take it easy for you." Aiko gently said and Mukuro shook her head. "Go all in." This made Aiko smirk a little before she nodded.

They then started to fight. Everyone was amazed by how good Mukuro was. She blocked every attack that Aiko gave her. One member in the back looked at her with a smirk on her face. After a while was Mukuro able to disarm Aiko. "Good job. Have you done this before?" She playfully asked. "I have. Back home." Mukuro answered. Just then the girl in the back walked up. "Hi. I'm Tenko Shakita. And I really like your skills." The girl said with a smirk.


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(A/N. How she looks like. Not my art.)

"Nice to meet you Tenko." Mukuro greeted and Tenko held her training sword up. "I'll like to have a match against you. To decide who's the best sword fighter." Tenko confidently said and everyone but Mukuro and Aiko gasped. "Tenko. You two are not-" but before Aiko finished held Mukuro her hand up. "I accept your challenge." She bowed respectfully and Tenko bowed back. "Then let's do it in half an hour. Near the end." They then walked away as Mukuro sat down with the others.

Both Kyoko and Aoi looked worried. "Mukuro. Tenko is the vise president of the club." Kyoko informed. "And the school champion. She's hard to beat." Aoi added and Mukuro just smiled. "Then I'll get a great opponent." The two other girls looked worried and sighed.

Outside the clubroom was Tenko taking a water break. "That Mukuro was great. A worthy opponent. This will help me get alot better." She said as a green and blue light surrounded her. Amane watched from a far and smirked at this.

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