A new pretty cure? A fan trouble

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The cures where fighting a Darkaro. But they didn't see that a nine year old girl was watching them in excitement. Her name was Momesu Hajime.

 Her name was Momesu Hajime

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(A/N. What she looks like. Not my art.)

"They are so cool." She said smiling as the cures finished off the Darkaro and Amane teleported away. "Man. It was a very tough one." Sakura said. "Let's get back home. We can get some tea and cookies." Afrodite said and Sakura nodded. But Momesu ran towards them before they could jump off. "Wait. You're the super girls." She said and the cures looked at her a little confused.

"Yeah it's us. But how did you know about us?" Sakura asked. "People have seen you fight these monsters a very long time. Haven't you noticed?" Momesu answered and the cures thought about it. They soon got small flashbacks where they have seen people in the background watching them.
"I guess we must have zoned it out." Sakura said and rubbed the back of her head embarrassed.

Momesu then took a sketch book. "I would like to be like you. Fighting monsters and saving the town." She said as the cures was a drawn picture of them and Momesu with pretty cure clothes. "So can I join you?" She asked and the cures looked at eachother worried. "I'm sorry. But a pretty cure isn't something someone can just make you." Sakura said. "And it's not a game. We have it very hard fighting these monsters. Plus under our outfits we're just normal girls." Afrodite added.

This made Momesu nod a little sad and look down. "Ok. Sorry." She said and Sakura patted her head and smiled. "It's okay. We gotta go now. But before that." She said and grabbed a pen before writing her name in the sketch book, Afrodite did the same before they jumped off. Momesu looked at the autographs and smiled before running home.

The cures transformed back into their civilian forms and walked home. "It was a really sweet girl." Kyoko said smiling while holding Yinsy in her arms. "Yeah. But I'm a little worried. What if she actually tries to become a pretty cure?" Aoi said worried. "Don't worry about that-ya." Yangso said on Aoi's shoulder. "I'm sure she understands-yi." Yinsy added and the girls smiled.

Meanwhile at Momesu's house was she working on an pretty cure outfit. "They're just testing me. I know that I can be like them." She said and put on her outfit. It was a purple glitter shirt with lavender colored skirt, red shoes and a big bow in her hair. A spotlight appered on her. "I'm the justice of hope. I'm cure Momo!" She said and her dog yawned before falling asleep on her bed. "Well Alph. I know that I look good. Now it's time to go and find someone to help." Momesu said and ran outside.

In the darkened kingdom was Calypso making herself ready infront of her mirror. Suddenly her head hurt as she heard unfamiliar voices. They stopped and she looked up. "What the heck was that?" She asked herself before calming down. A knock was soon heard from her door and Amane walked inside. "My queen. Are you okay?" She asked and Calypso stood up

"I'm fine. Now go and find a light orb." She said and Amane nodded before teleporting away. Calypso started to wonder what happened. And who's voices was it.

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