The lights of the future. Always shining.

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People in Hashinto town was walking around full of hope and dreams. Three of them being Kyoko, Aoi and Mukuro. It had been months since they defeated the shadow lord and everything was peaceful.

Calypso and Callisto ruled together again. And Calypso was very happy to be back to normal. The darkened kingdom disappeared after the shadow lord's defeat, so they didn't need to worry. Carlos got married to Hanami and they became a lovely family.

"What a lovely day." Kyoko smiled and the others nodded. "It is. Warm and sunny. Perfect day for a." Mukuro started. They all held up small baskets. "Picnic!" They all laughed before walking into the park. The pond was sparkling in the sun as they sat down. All friends was having fun and laughed together.

Soon they threw frisbee. Mukuro threw it to Kyoko who ran and tried to catch it. But just as she did, she lost balance and fell on the ground. "Kyoko!" Aoi said and Kyoko sat up. "Are you okay?" She heard an unfamiliar voice say and looked up. There stood a girl around her age.

 There stood a girl around her age

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(How she looks like.)

"Yeah I'm okay." Kyoko said and stood up. "I'm Kyoko Hanako. And you?" The girl smiled. "I'm Aimi Kokoromi. Nice to meet you." They both smiled big before Aimi looked at her ring. "I gotta go. Hope to see you again." She said and ran off. Kyoko smiled big before turning to her friends.

They continued to play and have fun for the rest of the day. At the evening they looked at the night sky and smiled. "You wanna know something. If we wasn't pretty cure. Our lives would have been different." Kyoko said and the others nodded. "I wouldn't have gotten more confidence." Aoi said. "And I wouldn't have gotten new friends." Mukuro added.

The fairies looked at the sky. "And we would have gotten other pretty cures-yi." Yinsy said. "But they're wouldn't have been like you-ya." Yangso said. Kyoko and Aoi smiled and hugged their fairies. Suddenly a falling star appered. They all shut their eyes and wished. "I guess we wished for the same thing." Kyoko said and the others nodded. "For us to be friends forever." All said as three stars glew pink, blue and green.

Under a cherry blossom tree.

Sakura stands and wave at us. "Everyone. Thank you for reading this story. You've been wonderful." She says before someone lands besides her.

" She says before someone lands besides her

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(How she looks like.)

"Hi everyone." The girl say. "Wow. You're so cool." Sakura smile. "Hi. I'm cure Cupid. With my justice full heart." Hearts appere around Cupid. "Go check out her story. It's angelic and great." Sakura say and grabbs Cupid's hand. "See you in Angelic Pretty cure. Bye." Both say.

(A/N. Thank you for reading my story. Go check out my new story. Angelic Pretty cure. The first chapter is out. And don't forget to like and share with your friends. See you soon.)

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