Presentation time! Aoi memory trauma.

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It was Monday afternoon and both Kyoko and Aoi was on their last lesson. "Ok everyone. We're gonna have a special homework." The teacher said and everyone listened. "Tomorrow, you're gonna show me research of a special subject. And you'll do it in groups of two." Everyone got excited over this. "And you're gonna make a presentation for it." The teacher ended and Aoi felt herself freeze.

After school was Kyoko and Aoi walking home. They had been grouped together and was gonna do a presentation about cats. "This is gonna be so fun. And thanks to having a cat, we'll get alot of information we need. I take some pictures of Kitty and you look for some interesting facts about cats." Kyoko said before seeing Aoi looking like she's somewhere else. "Aoi? Are you okay?" She asked and Aoi snapped out of her thoughts.

"Yeah I'm okay. Just thought a little about what facts we should use." She said with a smile. Kyoko smiled but knew there was something else. After getting home was Aoi doing her some homework as Yangso sat on her desk, eating a cracker. "You're afraid that what happened to you when you where nine, will happen again-ya." Yangso said and Aoi stopped writing and sighed. "What if it does. I can't go through that again." She said and felt tears run down her cheeks.

Yangso flew onto her shoulder and hugged her face. "I know it won't happen again-ya. Kyoko supports you and so do I-ya." He said and Aoi smiled. She continued her homework, but she still was nervous about the presentation.

Meanwhile Kyoko was taking alot of pictures of Kitty. "She's so cute. Everyone in class is gonna love her." She said imagining all students with heart eyes seeing kitty. "Yeah-yi. They're sure will-yi." Yinsy said cuddling with Kitty. She then looked at Kyoko who was lost in her thoughts. "What is it-yi?" Yinsy asked, snapping Kyoko out of her thoughts.

"It's just. Aoi seemed a little off when we walked home. And I'm afraid it might have something to do with the presentation." Kyoko answered and sat down in her bed. "Maybe she's worried something goes wrong-yi." Yinsy said and Kyoko shook her head. "I don't think so. She's always prepared for everything that can go wrong. I don't know what's making her nervous." She said and petted Kitty who purred.

Yinsy thought a little. "Maybe that the work isn't good enough-yi." Yinsy said and Kyoko shot up from bed. "Maybe she's nervous that I say something wrong, or say something that isn't good enough!" Kyoko yelled and Yinsy tried to calm her down. "Maybe it's just nerves-yi." She said but Kyoko didn't listen. "I must be two hundred procent ready." She said and started to look through cat facts while Yinsy looked concerned.

Later that night was Aoi dreaming.

She stood infront of the class beside Kyoko. "We're gonna talk about cats. So I'm letting Aoi talk." Kyoko said and Aoi got a spotlight on her. She tried to get out a word but nothing came out. Just then she saw some familiar kids.

"Seems like you still can't speak." A girl said and Aoi noticed that she was nine years old again. "She's a wimp as always." Another girl said. "A big wimp who let's everyone down." A boy said and they all laughed as Aoi ran away.

She soon bumped into Yangso who was big. "That you became a pretty cure is mistake-ya." He said and Aoi continued to run. Just then she saw Kyoko with red eyes glaring at her. "You're suppose to be my best friend. Yet you let me down." She said and pushed Aoi to the ground where ice started to form around her, trapping her. Aoi tried to break free but she couldn't.

Kyoko smirked at her. "Bye bye wimp." She laughed as the ice was now on Aoi's face. Laughter started to appear as she couldn't do anything about it.

Just then she woke up sweating of fear and looked around. She calmed herself down and closed her eyes again. Soon she drifted asleep.

In the darkened kingdom was Calypso talking to the shadow lord. "So the cures got new powers." The shadow said and Calypso sighed. "Yes master. But Amane is more skilled than Carlos. And I'm thankful that you brought her." She said and the laughed. "Good. See you soon my queen." It said and Calypso looked up as Amane walked in.

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