Picnic day. Go ninja style attacks.

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It was Saturday and the weather was great. So Kyoko and Aoi decided to have a picnic in the park. Plus that they could learn more about their responsibility of being pretty cure and who they are fighting. Kyoko packed sandwiches while Yinsy looked on. "I've never been on a picnic before-yi. I'm so excited-yi." She said happily and Kyoko smiled.

"It's gonna be a great picnic. Being with friends, eating sandwiches in the sun and just having fun." Kyoko said and took up a picture of her and Aoi when they where thirteen years old. "Me and Aoi has always loved going on picnics in the park. It's something I would never trade for anything." She said and smiled at the memories.

Meanwhile in Aoi's house was she packing some fruits. "So you two have been going on picnics since you where kids-ya?" Yangso asked and Aoi nodded. "It's our favorite thing to do. And now we get to share it with others." Aoi smiled at Yangso who smiled too. The two girls finished up and walked out of theirs houses with the fairies in the picnic baskets.

They soon arrived at the park and smiled as they saw eachother. "This is gonna be the best picnic in the whole universe!" Kyoko said excitedly and Aoi laughed at her friends excitement. "Maybe not the universe. But one of our best. Let's go and find the perfect place." She said and Kyoko nodded before they walked into the park.

When inside they saw plenty of other people having fun and having picnics too. "I guess everyone thought the same thing." Aoi giggled a little. "Who can blame them? It's the bestest picnic weather." Kyoko said and pointed at the sky that was blue as, well the sky. She and Aoi found a perfect place for their picnic. It was by a lake with cherry blossom trees around it. The eyes of the two fairies glimmered at the beautiful sight.

"It's beautiful-yi." Yinsy said and Yangso nodded in agreement. "It really is-ya." He said as the two girls put down the picnic baskets and layed down the blankets. They then took up the sandwiches and fruits as the fairies sat down on the blanket with excited faces. Once they where done, the girls sat down and enjoyed the view. "Now the picnic can begin." The both said before they and the fairies dug into the food and had fun.

Meanwhile was Carlos in his room having it hard moving his arms. "I really hate the punishments." He said sadly. His punishment was to clean the whole castle with a toothbrush. And it made his arms very tired. "But I'm not gonna make my queen disappointed. This time I'll her those pretty cure." He said and teleported away.

In another room was Calypso talking through her dark crystal with her master. "Seems like your ninja isn't successful." The shadow said and Calypso nodded. "It seems like so. But he is the only one available." She said and the shadow thought a little. "Let me make some overlooking. I'll be gone for awhile. Just be patient my queen." It said before disappearing from the crystal. Calypso smiled and leaned back on her throne.

In the park had the girls and fairies eaten up the food. "Now that was good." Kyoko smiled and Aoi hugged in agreement. "Yeah-ya. But now it's time for you to learn more about your mission-ya." Yangso said and the girls nodded. "The villain you're facing is called Calypso-ya. She's the queen of darkness that wants to steal all inner light orbs for herself-ya." Yangso explained as the girls listened. "She has her ninja to help-yi. Carlos is her personal ninja-yi." Yinsy added.

"Why do they want the inner light orbs?" Aoi asked. "We don't know-ya. All we know is that they attacked the Kingdom of light-ya. So the princess sent us to find pretty cure-ya." Yangso answered. "Which is you-yi." Yinsy said and jumped into Kyoko's arms. "Your mission is to protect the light orbs here-ya." Yangso said and the girls nodded. "We can do that. With our attacks we're not gonna lose." Kyoko said and stood up.

"Actually your special attacks are just the surface of what you can do-ya." Yangso said and Kyoko sat down again. "So we have more abilities." Aoi said and the fairies nodded. The girls looked at eachother surprised by the fact.

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