Bless you! Kyoko's sick day.

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A lovely Saturday had the girls decided to go to the mall. But they had to change their plans as something happened to Kyoko. "ACHOO!" Kitty jumped into the air scared while Yinsy flew to the end of Kyoko's bed. Kyoko blew her red nose before laying down. "Bless you." Yinsy said and Kyoko smiled. "Thank you Yinsy." A cough came from Kyoko before her mother walked inside. Yinsy managed to hide.

Kyoko's mother felt on her forehead and and gave a gentle smile. "You feel a little cooler than before. I'll prepare some chicken soup for you. Just relax and try to sleep." She said and Kyoko nodded before closing her eyes. After Kyoko's mother walked out Yinsy flew out of hiding and looked at Kyoko who had fallen asleep.

Seeing her pretty cure and friend sick made her feel sad. So she quietly flew out the window to Aoi's house. She told Aoi what happened and hanged her head. "I wish I could do something for her-yi." Yangso gently rubbed her back as Aoi gave a gentle smile. "Well. Just be there for her. And make sure she's feeling comfortable. She'll appreciate it very much." Yinsy looked up with a wondering face.

Aoi saw this and thought a little. "I know. She have always loved salted caramel ice cream when she's sick. You can give that to her." She suggested and Yinsy smiled and nodded. "Yes-yi. Let's go-yi." The others laughed before Aoi grabbed her purse and let the fairies jump inside.

Meanwhile in the darkened kingdom was Amane walking around the castle before sneezing. "Curses on autumn. Why does it have to be colder. My body can't handle it." She sighed and looked outside. "It's best I don't go outside. Don't wanna get more sick." Then she walked to her room to rest.

(A/N. Yep this is a filler chapter without any fight. Hope you like it.)

Aoi walked out of the store with the ice cream in a bag as the fairies looked out of the purse. "I hope Kyoko's gonna love it-yi." Yinsy said and Yangso smiled. "Ofcourse she will-ya." Aoi nodded and walked through the park. Just then she saw Mukuro walking the opposite way. "Hey Aoi. Where are you okay with that bag?" The older girl greeted and Aoi smiled. "Hi Mukuro. I'm gonna go to Kyoko with ice cream. She's sick today." The fairies flew out of the purse.

"I wanna make her feel better-yi." Yinsy said smiling thinking about how Kyoko was gonna be happy. "That's so nice of you. I tag along." Mukuro said and they all walked towards Kyoko's house. Kyoko's mother let them in and let them walk into Kyoko's room while she continued with the soup. Slowly Kyoko opened her eyes and smiled at her friends while yawning. "Hey guys. What are you doing here?" Aoi smiled and let Yinsy grab the ice cream for Kyoko. "Yinsy wanned to make you feel better. So we got something for you."

The fairy flew up to Kyoko with the the ice cream and put it in her hands. "Salted caramel ice cream. My favorite. Thank you." Kyoko smiled before coughing. "I hope it makes you feel better-yi." Yinsy said before getting scooped up into a hug. "Having you care for me is enough." Kyoko said and Yinsy smiled big.

The others smiled too at the Kyoko and her fairy's bond. They soon walked home and later that evening after eating chicken soup and ice cream, Kyoko fell asleep with Yinsy in her arms. Both smiled big. Happy to know that they both care for eachother.

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