Kyoko's guilt. Cousin drama on the farm.

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It was the start of summer and Kyoko was morning jogging through the park as Yinsy where in her jogging purse. "This is always so refreshing-yi." The gentle voice of the fairy said. Kyoko smiled and stopped for a water break. "Yeah. A morning jogg on a sunny Saturday morning is always the best." She took a sip of her water and smiled. The warm breeze blew through her hair as she had her eyes closed.

Her phone then rang and she picked up. "Hey mom. Yeah I'm in the park. Really? I can't wait. Can I bring Aoi and Mukuro? Thanks mom. I'll be home soon." Kyoko said and hanged up. "What was it-yi?" Yinsy asked as Kyoko smiled big. "We're gonna visit my cousin on her farm. She's twenty one years old. It's been awhile since I last saw her." Kyoko answered and looked up at the sky.

Soon memories started to appear in her mind. She where five years old and ran together with a girl around eleven. They ran and had fun together. Suddenly a flash of pictures of the other girl falling from a high place appered. Kyoko gasped before falling on the ground. "Kyoko-yi!" Yinsy cried worriedly. "It's ok Yinsy. Just remembered that I need to get ready and call Aoi and Mukuro." Kyoko brushed it off and stood up before walking home.

Yinsy looked at her worried and felt like something was wrong. After Kyoko returned home she washed up and put on a sleeveless dress with roses on. She also let her hair down with it laying on her left shoulder.

Aoi and Mukuro arrived. Aoi had a sky blue dress with short sleeves and clouds on. Her hair was in a bun with a purple bow. Mukuro had lime green tank top under a light brown unbuttoned shirt. She was also wearing a pair of yellow shorts. Her hair was like normal.

Kyoko was brushing her hair looking out of it. The other girls was confused. "What's up with Kyoko?" Aoi asked and Yinsy told them about what happened in the park. "So it's something to do with her cousin." Mukuro suggested and Yinsy looked worried for her pretty cure.

But they didn't have time to ask her as they soon where off. Amane watched them and smirked. "Seems like the cures are going out of town. I better follow them." She said and jumped after the car.

During the ride had Kyoko fallen asleep. In her dream she was five years old and she played with her eleven year old cousin. Soon she got the image of her cousin falling from a high tree. She jolted up and breathed heavily. Mukuro, Aoi and the fairies saw this and got concerned. "Kyoko. Are you okay?" Aoi asked and Kyoko calmed down before smiling.

"I'm okay. Judy dreamed about a monster chasing me. And I couldn't transform." Kyoko lied and Mukuro noticed it, but she didn't say anything. Soon they arrived at the farm and both Aoi and Mukuro looked amazed. "So beautiful." Aoi said and Mukuro nodded in agreement. They walked up to the house. Kyoko felt uneasy and nervous. But she tried not to show it.

The door of the house soon opened and out walked a twenty one year old girl with a messy ponytail and farmer clothes. "Welcome to the farm." She greeted and walked over to them. Kyoko and the other girls noticed that she was limping on her right foot.

Images of this girl falling out of a tree and walking with crutches looking sad, started to fill Kyoko's mind before a voice snapped her out. "Kyoko!" This made Kyoko look up and see her cousin smiling. "It's so good to see you again." She said and Kyoko smiled. "It's good to see you too Katsumi." Kyoko answered and both hugged. Mukuro and Aoi introduced themselves before Katsumi showed them around the farm and house.

While they did was Kyoko starting to feel more guilt over something. Yinsy noticed this and felt bad for her pretty cure. Katsumi had lead the girls to her living room where she had a picture of her and Kyoko together. Kyoko saw it and more memories of that day started to flood her mind. "Excuse. I just need to get some fresh air." She quickly said and ran out of the house.

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