Battle of dance! The cure's shining ballet.

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Aoi was eating breakfast with her parents when they heard a knock on the door. "Wonder who that is?" Her father Hamida said and walked to the door. Just as he opened the door, he got knocked down to the ground when someone danced in. It was a woman with brown hair in a bun, black and pink clothes and a skirt. "Hope I doesn't bother my favorite family." She said and Aoi smiled.

"Aunt Yui." She said and hugged her aunt. "My dear Aoi. Look how you've grown. You're almost as tall as me." Yui said kissing Aoi's cheeks and Aoi giggled. "What are you doing here?" Aoi's mom Ayano asked. "I'm here to teach out ballet. Very great dance. And good to train balance." Yui answered. Aoi's eyes sparkled of excitement as she remembered that Kyoko really loved ballet. "Mind if me and Kyoko join, aunt Yui?" She asked and Yui smiled. "Ofcourse not dear. I'm looking forward meeting Kyoko again." Yui answered and Aoi smiled big.

After breakfast Aoi called Kyoko and they meet up. "Oh ballet. One of my favorite dances." Kyoko said very happy and Yinsy smiled with closed eyes. "Isn't all dances your favorite-yi?" She said and Kyoko rubbed the back of her head. "I think it's great-ya. As she said, good for balance too-ya." Yangso said and Aoi nodded. "I thought so too. And I knew you really like it." She said and Kyoko hugged her. "Thank you. You're the bestest friend in the world." She said and Aoi smiled.

In the darkened kingdom was Amane reporting to Calypso about the hooded figure. "So. The cures got a helper. I'll figure something out. Go and get light orbs." Calypso said and Amane nodded before teleporting away.

When she was gone, Calypso contacted her master. "Master. It seems like we got a new opponent." She said and the shadow thought about it.
"I'm gonna try to figure out who they are. Don't worry my queen." The shadow said and Calypso grinned.

Kyoko and Aoi was in the dance studio dressed up in ballet outfits. Other girls was in the room and stretched. "Wow it's alot of people here." Kyoko said and Aoi nodded. "My aunt is really popular." She said smiling. Yui then walked in and clapped her hands. "Good day my ladies. Welcome to this ballet lesson." She said and everyone greeted back. Yui smiled big and started the lesson.

Yinsy and Yangso watched from the girl's bags when they trained. "They're so beautiful-yi." Yinsy said and Yangso nodded. Kyoko stood and did the poses and started to imagine herself dancing ballet infront of a big crowd. She smiled at the dream of her's and continued. "You all are doing great. Keep it going." Yui informed the class and everyone smiled.

One of the girls then tried to make a beautiful jump but ended up falling on her end. "I don't know what I did wrong." She said as Aoi and Kyoko helped her up. "You need to focus your weight when you land." Yui said before she did the same jump and landed perfectly. Everyone looked at her fascinated. "See that. Balance is very important. To much weight on one side and you fall." She said and everyone nodded before hey kept dancing.

Amane sneaked inside and watched the girls dance. One of the girls danced very good and had a rose gold light appere around her. A smirk appered on Amane as she took up a dark pendant that had some metal on it. "Lights out!" She said and a rose gold orb flew out of the girl and into the pendant, making her eyes darken. She stopped dancing and sat down by the benches.

Both Aoi and Kyoko saw this and nodded to eachother. "Aunt Yui. Excuse us for a minute." Aoi said before she and Kyoko grabbed their bags and ran out of the studio. Yui noticed that they looked worried and turned to her class. "Keep going. I'm just gonna see what the problem is." She said and followed the girls.

Aoi and Kyoko ran outside and saw Amane. "Return the light orb!" Kyoko said and Amane smirked. "Let's dance then." She said and then held up the pendant. "Rise warrior of darkness. Rise up, Darkaro!" Amane yelled and the rose gold light orb turned black before flying out together with metal and turned into a monster that looked like a ballerina with armor. "Darkaro!" It yelled.

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