A day of bonding. Mukuro's story

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It was Saturday morning in Hashinto town. Kyoko was running towards the park excited to spend the day with Aoi and their new friend Mukuro. She still couldn't believe that they had gotten a new teammate. "You seem very excited today-yi." Yinsy said from Kyoko's bag. "I am. We're gonna bond with our new teammate and friend. This is so exciting." Kyoko answered as she kept running.

Mukuro was at doing herself ready inside her house. The house was close to the park and she had moved in just as Yinsy and Yangso arrived on earth. Carlos walked in on her. "Seems like you're gonna have some fun." He said and Mukuro nodded. "We are. Now that the others know who I am. It feels great. Maybe you should join us." She answered and Carlos shook his head.

"I don't think it's a good idea. They don't know that I switched side. And they're probably not gonna forgive me. So you go have fun. I'll stay and train on my moves." He said and did some kicks in the air, only to lose balance and fall on the floor. Mukuro giggled before walking out of the house.

She arrived in the park and looked around for the other girls. "Mukuro!" She heard someone shout and turned to see Kyoko and Aoi walking towards her. "Hey. It's good to see you." Mukuro said and Aoi nodded. "It is. We've planned the whole day." She answered before the fairies flew out of the girl's bags and into Mukuro's arms.

"We've been looking forward to it too-ya." Yangso said. "This day is gonna be the best-yi." Yinsy added before Mukuro smiled and hugged the two fairies while the girls smiled at the cute moment. "First off. The mall." Kyoko said and they started to walk towards the mall.

Meanwhile in the darkened kingdom was Calypso outraged. "There's a third now! How can this happen." She shouted and threw a plate at the wall, making Amane flinch. "My queen. I'm sorry for angering you with this bad news." She said and Calypso glared at her. "I'll forgive you. Only because you're the only ninja I have left. So go and catch a light orb!" Calypso said and Amane nodded before teleporting away.

Mukuro and the others was walking around the mall and having fun. They tested makeup and clothes, looked at cute baby animals in the pet store, got photos in a photo booth and finally ate some hamburgers. "It has really been fun." Mukuro said and took a bite of her hamburger. "Yeah it really has." Aoi answered and Kyoko nodded.

"So Mukuro. Those clothes you where wearing when you revealed yourself." Kyoko started and Mukuro looked at her. "They looked warrior clothes." She ended and Mukuro put down her hamburger. "Well. I suppose I need to tell you more about myself." She started and the other girls listened. "I'm from the Kingdom of light. Just like Yinsy and Yangso. I'm one of the warriors there. Aside from being a pretty cure. When attacks from the darkened kingdom came. Yinsy and Yangso wasn't the only ones getting sent here. I was sent here too and got the mission to look after you and assist you when time was right." Mukuro said and the other girls looked in awe at her.

"So when did you become a pretty cure?" Aoi asked and Mukuro blushed a little. "It happened around two years ago. I was on a mission with another warrior named Daya Tamake. He's one of the most prettiest warriors I've ever seen." Mukuro answered and noticed the others smirking at her. "Anyway. On our mission we got attacked by a ninja from the darkened kingdom. We fought and Daya got knocked out. I protected him from the ninja before myself getting knocked back. The ninja was about to finish Daya off. But I quickly stood up and protected him. A big burst of light flew out of me and knocked the ninja back, aswell as making his dark pendant fly off." Mukuro continued and the others was so fascinated by the story.

"I picked it up and that's when it changed to this pendant of light, making me able to turn into a pretty cure." Mukuro finished and held up her pendant. "Wow. So awesome. But what happened to Daya!" Kyoko asked. "He was okay. He woke up and after some time we got together." Mukuro said and Aoi smiled. "Aww. I'm guessing you miss him." She said and Mukuro nodded. "I do. But we're keeping contact." She answered. They kept eating the hamburgers and have fun.

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