Our votes for Aoi. A president's shining courage.

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The summer vacation was over and it was time for a new school term. Mukuro meet up with Hina as Aoi and Kyoko walked through the corridors. "It's so great being back for school." Kyoko said and Aoi nodded. "It is. And ecspecialy after the summer we had." They both smiled as they walked by the school bill board. There was a flyer hanging. On it it read.

"New student council president is needed. Write up your candidates here. Voting will appere this Friday."

Kyoko looked at the flyer and then at Aoi. Aoi saw Kyoko's smile and shook her head. "Oh no. I'm not gonna candidate. You know how I feel about public speaking." But Kyoko just smiled more. "Ofcourse you will. This is good for your public speaking and self confidence. Me and Mukuro can help." Yangso looked out of Aoi's bag. "I agree one hundred procent-ya." Aoi sighed and thought about it.

If she did this, it would really help her. With one last sigh she nodded with a determined face. "I'll do it." She said and wrote her name onto the flyer. Soon Kyoko and Mukuro started to help Aoi with her campaign and speech. It was going great, but Aoi was still a little nervous about the public speaking.

At Thursday on lunchtime was the three girls talking about their progress. "This is going great. Many students think that your campaign is great. If we keep up like this. You'll definitely get voted." Mukuro said before taking a bite of her bento. "Yeah. Only thing left is your speech. So you gotta have a great slogan." Kyoko said and saw that Aoi looked scared.

"I don't know what to say. I don't even have a slogan yet." Just then a boy with slicked back dark blue hair and brown eyes walked up to them. "Hard time thinking about a slogan? Well I don't think it's necessary. You'll probably stumble on your words." He said and the three girls gasped. Aoi looked down feeling more down. "Who do you think you are?" Kyoko furiously said.

The boy smirked at the girls. "I'm Shota Hatchibane. Son to one of the riches people in town." Mukuro thought a little about the name and got it. "Hatchibane car palace? Your dad cleans cars." Shota hit back by that comment. "Very fancy cars. Anyway. I know I'll be the new student council president. And I am. I'm gonna make sure that everyone will follow my lead. And I'll have the whole school decorated to fit my image." Kyoko started to imagen how that would look like.

She got images of Shota sitting on a throne as the school had alot of pictures of him, even a statue. "Anyway. See you at the speech." Shota soon walked off. "We can't let him win. He'll make everything about himself." Kyoko said and Mukuro nodded. Aoi stood up and the others looked at her. "He's right. I'll stumble on my words and mess up. It's better if I give up." She said and ran off. "Aoi." Kyoko tried to follow her but Mukuro stopped her. "She need some time for herself." Reluctantly Kyoko nodded.

Aoi sat by a tree and thought about what Shota said. Would she really be up to it. "Don't listen to what he said-ya! You can do it, because me and the others believe in you-ya." Yangso said and Aoi sighed. "I know. I just needed some time to think and calm down. This school means alot to me. I meet Kyoko here and got a true best friend. And it was by the start when I meet you and became a pretty cure. And I'm not gonna let Shota ruin it." Aoi smiled big while looking at the sky. Yangso smiled too. His pretty cure had really grown. She might not be completely over her fear and nervousness. But she's becoming better at controlling it.

By the school entrance was Shota standing and taking pictures of himself. "I'll be the best student council president ever." A big smile appered on his face as a golden and blue light surrounded him. Amane saw this and smiled. She then took up her pendant. "Lights out!" She said and a golden and blue light orb flew out of the Shota and into the pendant, making his eyes darken. "Why do I even care about being student council president?" He said as Amane smirked before jumping off.

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