Chapter 17: Haoxuan

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They will kill Yubin and you ask Zhan to not to meddle? That's not gonna happen. Xiao Zhan knew they didn't kill Yubin but locked him up in the basement, it might be because Yibo didn't tell them if they would really kill him or not. 
It was around 3am , outside it was still dark and quiet. Zhan slowly got up and he didn't make much noise. He silently left the room.

He will have to return to the room soon. He wore all black head to toe , so if anyone see him accidentally they will not recognise him immediately. He used chloroform all the way down in the cell.

He glanced around the various torture rooms. There were quite a few people. Zhan also saw the already unrecognisable gardener and few other guards or people from outside the mansion. Wondering if it was another police station zhan shook his head and took out his knife personally given by the big bad mafia.

Zhan quickly checked the rooms and there was only one of them left. But then Zhan felt something was wrong. His grip on the sharp knife tightened as he slowed down his steps.

It really looked creepy. The panting sound from the people who were tortured badly and the dim lighting. Zhan's hearing is extremely good. He could feel someone is following. Who can it be ? If it's someone from Wangs he will be in trouble. Specially if it's Yibo himself,  Ziqi or Ziyan. Those both brothers are Specially stubborn.

If the person is from outside...the possibility is really too low. Breaking into this mansion is not easy but extremely hard. If someone have the courage to break into this mansion without him, Yibo or anyone noticing, then this person can be considered highest level of danger.

Zhan shrugged as he adjusted his shoulder joints. Whoever it is, he must not let them see him and throw that damn 004 out.

"Following me like a coward. I wonder who this gentleman is.." zhan said in a not so loud tone. But he is sure that the man could hear him pretty well.

Zhan stopped walking and stood in place but he didn't look back. After a while,  he heard a sly laugh coming from being him. It felt as if that person has found something amusing.

He heard the man say, "I heard that..someone found himself a cute pet. The pet is said to be too curious and cunning. I came to...."

Zhan heard the footsteps coming closer and closer. Finally Zhan rotated back and fiercely stabbed the knife at the figure. But the masked man caught his wrist in time and it was a failed attempt.

The man added , " see the pet. But now,  I really want to steal him."

Zhan sneered at the man, "You are not even qualified to see the pet let alone stealing." He kicked the man on his elbows and his wrist immediately got free from the man's dangerous grip.

He took out another knife from who knows where as he jumped on the masked man. The man avoided the attack in the last moment but his cheeks got cut. The mask halfway tore open.  But because of the problematic brightness , zhan couldn't see the face.

"You are right. The master of the cat is protective but he is still so naive. There needs to be a change of the ownership. Do you agree.....Little seven?"The man called out in a seductive tone.

Zhan couldn't help but feel disgusted. He will really beat this man black and blue , beyond recognition! Since this person knew his rank....then... Zhan's eyes widened.

He didn't answer but he attacked the man once again. The man did practice martial arts and he could even keep up with Zhan's pace. Though zhan was faster than the man, but he couldn't make a deep wound. Whenever the knife touched a fatal place place, the man would avoid it.

This way, that person's clothes...can they still be called clothes? After another round, zhan's breathing quickened and the man was also panting.

The man said, "Hey don't you feel it's unfair? Only Wangs will use indescribable means while fighting opponents. You stayed here for this long , it might have affected you"

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