chapter 30 : chase

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It was raining heavily. A shadow was moving speedily from one roof to another, jumping without hesitation. Below the buildings , on the road there was a heavy commotion. There were at least twenty people who Continued to run on the wet and free road as they looked upwards from time to time. They were following the running shadow on the rooftops of various buildings.

When they saw, the shadow getting smaller and smaller, they couldn't help but curse out loud. Increasing their speed, they continued to tail. Their clothes were drenched from the gloomy rain.

The sound of rain hitting the surface made it hard to notice the sounds of the gunshots. In fact, there were many people in the group who had their guns pointed upwards. But no matter how   trained they were, the bullets didn't even hit the Person's after image.

After a while , the shadow disappeared from their view.

Zhan panted heavily and sat down on one of the rooftop. His chest was moving upwards and downwards at a fast rate. His whole body was wet with rainwater. Coldness took over him a long ago, though he shivered , he didn't dare to relax his vigilance. He wiped his face with bare hands and sneered while looking at a distance, "Heh."

Well, He didn't even know whose people they were or the reason why they kept chasing him. He was just peacefully taking a walk..and it looks like even if he doesn't cause trouble, trouble will still come and knock on his door.

No, he have no intention to die because of cold. He successfully shook those people off, he'll have to find a shelter. He stood up and kneaded his knees. Just as he looked up, he felt his body go even colder. In his heart he was screaming, run ! run! run!

As Zhan reached a shorter building, he immediately came down and started to run desperately. Behind him two tall, well built figures were running at a speed visible to the naked eye. From the way they jumped from one building to another, it could be easily seen that they are professionals.

It was none other than the duo agent from LIA. Agent 004, who's A's loyal dog and another wild person who looked familiar to Zhan. Zhan guessed that he is 002, judging from the..interesting way he dressed himself.

While running frantically Zhan screamed at the top of his lungs, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FCK! Why the fck are you all so obsessed with chasing me!? I fcking did nothing ugh!"

After a while a shout came from behind, "007, Surrender yourself! Come back to agency ! If you come back willingly, A will not kill you."


Sh*t! Sh*t! Run fast ! But where !? Hurry hurry

Zhan screamed back one more time, " You crazy people. You didn't go after 001 or 003 , instead came after me! Where's the logic!? Go , tell A that I really don't have that stone! 001 stole it!"

Agent 002, who's always on energy saving mode suddenly came to a halt. His eyes were sharp as he grabbed 004's arm and stopped him from chasing Zhan.
"Don't chase."

He didn't speak much but his words held weight. 

004 : ...?

004 looked at Zhan's disappearing back with complicated expression and couldn't help asking , "Why?"

002 silently stared at 004 and then said," Learn when to stop. Waste of energy. A will not blame us anyway."

When he saw 004 still showing confused expression,  002 sighed as he turned to run back. That's when 004 heard his cold voice, "No wonder you got beaten by Wangs and K1 in rows." With that 002 ran with no trace left behind.

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