Chapter 4 ~ Trust Issues 2.0

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It was the next day, and quite frankly had been a shitty day. Jake woke up to see that Zander had unblocked him:

Since practice is today, I just want to remind you that I'm onto you asshole, and I'm watching your every move

And then realised he had blocked him again, no surprise there. Jake had gotten up, gotten dressed and packed, realising he had woken up late and didn't have time to have breakfast so he ran out of the house in a bad mood. Once he arrived at school, the first person he actually saw was Daisy. "Oh, hi Daisy!" Jake said, smiling. "Hi Jake, sorry I couldn't talk to you yesterday." Daisy apologised. "It's alright, Daisy." Jake told her. "I'm sort of busy right now so I just want to check if your okay, are you okay, Jake?" Daisy asked Jake, him nodding in response. "Yeah, I feel great! I'm actually back in The Music Club!" Jake said with a smile. "Well that's great, Jake! I still don't know why you left." Daisy said. "I don't really know either, but, I'm back now, which is good." Jake said. "Yeah, it is. Well, I have to go now, I'll talk to you soon, okay. Bye Jake!" Daisy said, smiling before walking away.

Jake's bad mood was slowly going away, that always happens whenever he spoke to Daisy. He then walked over to his locker and saw someone standing there, he couldn't really see who it was. Please don't be Zander, please don't be Zander, please don't be Zander. Oh, it was Luke. "Oh, hey Luke." Jake said as he arrived. "Jake, I want to talk about the future and the competition." Luke said to Jake. "Alright, what about it?" Jake said, opening his locker and putting his things in there. "Don't you dare say a word about Hailey or Zander or even Milly and Sean. I don't care what you say about me, but now that your back in, even if it is for the competition, you won't say one bad thing about them like you did to Hailey. Alright?" Luke explained. "I won't Luke, I didn't mean what I said about Hailey." Jake told Luke. "Whether your lying or not doesn't matter to me, that's between you and Hailey, just don't say anything bad about her or the rest of the band again. I won't let it slide." Luke responded.

"Do you trust me, Luke?" Jake asked. "....I did, Jake. But you lost that trust, and it's going to be very hard for you to regain it." Luke answered Jake's question. "What about Milly, or Sean?" Jake asked. "I don't know, but from my guess, they don't trust you either. I know Zander definitely doesn't, he hates your mere existence." Luke said as Jake finished and closed his locker. "I really am sorry, Luke, for all of it." Jake said. "It's not me you should be apologising to." Luke said, sighing. "I'll see you at practice." He added, before leaving and walking off to Hailey and Zander. Seeming as if Zander would now stay by Hailey's side all the time to make sure Jake couldn't get to her. Jake sighed, turning around to be face to face with Henry and Liam. "Huh?!" Jake yelled, practically jumping. "Sorry Jake, can we talk?" Liam asked. "Why do you want to talk?" Jake said, looking down, thinking they weren't friends anymore. "Come back, Drew misses you." Henry said to Jake. "I don't care. I don't miss Drew, I don't trust Drew, I don't like Drew. He's an asshole who can't be trusted." Jake said. "You guys should leave him, it's only a while until he manipulates you guys too." Jake said, walking away.

Now yes, Henry and Liam had a hand in the manipulation at Drew's house that started the conflict and then the incident, but he didn't fully blame them. A part of him did, but most of him blamed Drew and Zoey, and a bit of Lia. Jake actually missed Henry and Liam, he didn't know if he could trust them, but most of him did. But they wouldn't leave Drew, he knew that. After his first couple of lessons, the last one before lunch, he was on his way to it before he saw someone, crying. He ran over to the person, he felt like he would always do this when he saw someone crying, only to see the person was Milly. This didn't surprise him, he saw Milly was sad the previous day. "Um, Milly? Are you okay?" Jake asked, putting his hand on her shoulder only to be pushed away. "Don't touch me!" Milly yelled, once again saying the same thing from the day of the incident, it's like it was the only sentences they knew. "Hey, look, I'm just trying to see if your okay." Jake said. "What do you care, Jake? Your a traitor, you betrayed us even though Hailey and Zander gave you a second chance, you can't be trusted." Milly said, looking away.

"I'm- I'm sorry Milly." Jake said. "Yeah, sure you are, just leave me alone." Milly said, walking away, still crying, Jake didn't know why. He knew this was gonna be hard, especially when he went to practice, he wouldn't be surprised if he went into the room only to see Zander and get killed. He sighed, going to his next lesson, he wished he could make it up to them, but they didn't trust him, and as Luke said, there wasn't much he could do to regain their trust. But that didn't mean that Jake wouldn't try, he would try his hardest, even thought he odds were against him. Maybe he could regain all their trust, become friends just in time for the competition. Nah, even Jake knew that wouldn't happen, this wasn't a fairytale where everything turned out great. This was real life, life where Jake had screwed it up with his real friends and lost them, and now most likely wouldn't be able to get them back. It sucked, but it was the truth, and the truth hurt like hell.

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