Chapter 10 ~ The Park

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Jake ran up to Hailey when he had found her, at the park as they agreed on. "Hey, Hailey-" He said, before being smacked by her. "How could you, Jake?! I gave you a second chance and you ruined it." She yelled. "What are you talking about?" Jake asked, confused, Zander appearing out of nowhere and playing a new audio of him insulting every member or the club, digging into every personal secret he didn't even know he knew. He then looked around, all the members were there standing around him, staring. Jake then saw Daisy in front of him. " this really you? Why would you say those things?" Daisy asked, in a sad and disappointed tone. "N-NO! I-I-" Jake tried to speak, his words getting more mumbled as he went on, not being able to form a whole sentence. Everyone began to speak, it being Jake's worst nightmare, because it was. Quickly, he awoke, sweating like crazy and almost falling out of bed, he instantly grabbed his phone and looked at his messages.


He realised this was for the park meeting, Jake sighing in relief when he finally realised it was all a dream. He checked his clock and saw it was only 11:00am, so he had some time left. Jake got changed, all his stuff ready, only to then realised he was still grounded. "Shit." He said, then going downstairs and making himself some breakfast before going upstairs to eat it. After, he played some games, for a while until he looked up at the clock to see it was now 12:25pm. Jake decided to leave now, even on bike it would take him a while to get there, not 1 hour, but it didn't hurt to get there early. He locked his door, grabbed his phone and a bike lock and used the same pipe as yesterday to get down. He then ran to his bike, got on it and began to ride there. He passed Luke's house, and Hailey's, eventually making it to the park at around 12:45pm. Obviously, he was the first one there, putting his bike in the bike shed at the park and using the bike lock, before walking over to a bench, sitting down and waiting.

Eventually, someone sat down next to him, Jake looked over to see Milly. "Oh, hi Milly." He said, smiling, in a far too happy mood. Milly was not in a happy mood, not because she was in a bad mood, but because she still hated Jake, of course. "...hey..." She muttered, Jake quickly losing his smile, knowing it wasn't the time for it. Soon after, Luke had come, giving Jake a look before talking to Milly. He had to show Luke more proof before he would fully believe him, which he would try his best to give him that proof. Hailey and Zander came after, Hailey gave Jake a look, Jake sharing a smile at her which she didn't share back, Zander not even looking at him. They all got up and went into the fun bits of the park, Luke and Zander talking to each other on the swings, Hailey on the swing next to them, Milly and Sean going around the whole park on everything, which was basically Sean running after Milly who like usual had too much energy. Jake was just sat on a bench, on his phone, scrolling through his social medias. He was trying his best to become friends with the club again, but it was obvious he was failing.

Sean believed him and said he didn't hate him, but he never said he was his friend. Luke said he wanted to believe him but needed more proof. It was obvious Milly didn't like Jake. With Hailey, he was mixed, but she did say she wasn't friends with him. And of course, Zander hated his mere existence. Something he wasn't expecting though was he felt someone sit down next to him, he didn't look up though. 1) He was focused on his phone. 2) It was a park, it could've been anyone. But he did look up when he heard the person say: "Jake, look up." He quickly looked up to see Hailey. "Oh, hi!" Jake said. "Can we talk?" She asked, him nodding in response. "Of course we can, what do you want to talk about?" Jake responded. "The future of the club, and well y'know, the competition." Hailey told Jake. "Oh, uh, yeah. Alright." Jake said. "I'm in the club until the competition, and afterwards I'm getting kicked out." Jake said, remembering those exact words.

"At least you remember that, as you know we'll be practicing twice a day from now on, during lunch and after school. Next Friday is the competition after all." Hailey said. "Your singing is still good, makes it easier to practice with you." She added, looking away. Jake smiled slightly, her complimenting him made him happy. "Thanks, your still as great as guitar as I remembered." Jake decided to compliment her back, making her blush slightly. "Oh, um, thanks." Hailey said, looking away. She then got up. "Jake, I know I shouldn't say this, but I'm sorry that Zander's being hard on you. He's just being protective of me because of what happened." Hailey said to Jake, him surprised that she was apologising for Zander, but he smiled at her. "No, it's alright, I deserve it, what I said about you was horrible." Jake said, sure, he hated when Zander was like that to him, but he accepted it since he knew he deserved it. "Your right, it was horrible and you do deserve it." Hailey said, sighing. "But, your apart of the club until after the competition, even if we don't have to be friends with you." She said to him, lending a hand out and Jake taking it to stand up.

"Thank you, Hailey." Jake said, looking at her. Hailey looked down. "Why did you say those things, Jake? I've been wondering ever since, Zander tells me it's just that because your a jerk and you always have been one." Hailey started, Jake not surprised that's what Zander said. "But, I know you changed, I could see it and feel it. So why did you?" Hailey asked, Jake looking at her. He had already told Sean and Luke, and only Sean believed him. "You wouldn't believe me." Jake said, Hailey looking at him. "If you tell the truth, I will." She told Jake, him thinking. "I'll tell you on Monday, with proof." He said, walking away from her, Hailey thinking. With proof, what did he mean by that? Jake walked over to Luke, who was still talking with Zander. He looked up at Jake, Zander seeing him as well and having a pissed off expression. "What do you want, Jake?" Zander asked, Jake ignoring him. "Luke, you said you wanted proof, I will show you that proof on Monday." Jake said before walking away from him as well, Luke having the same reaction as Hailey. "Proof? What the hell is he talking about?" Zander asked. "Oh, um, nothing." Luke said, smiling at Zander.

Jake walked over to a different part of the park, unblocking Drew to see he had already messaged him again.

Jake, have you thought about what I said?

Drew of course already had a new phone, begging his dad for a new one after he smashed his other one when Jake texted him back

Jake remembering the conversation he had with Drew, something he had actually forgotten.

Listen, you said you would apologise to the club in front of me. Your gonna do that, but at the same time, your gonna admit to them what you and your friends did to me, how you manipulated me

Wait, what?

I've told Sean what happened and he believes me, Luke wants proof and I told Hailey I would show her proof on Monday. Your my proof Drew, want to prove you weren't lying and regain my trust, then you'll do it

Drew on the other end was thinking, he could do it. If he did it, would the music freaks accept him back. And if they did would be get happier and become friends with him again? Possibly.

And if I do this, I'll regain your trust, and you'll come back to the Jomies?

I don't know if I'll come back, but if you apologise to them and tell them what happened...then you'll regain my trust

Now this was partially a lie, he didn't think Drew could regain his trust, but he didn't know, maybe if Drew actually did it and he saw it, Drew might possibly have regained his trust. Drew felt as if he his dad had just bought him everything he wanted, even though he already did, he was happy. Sure, it would make him seem like a dickhead, but he already seemed like that to the club. And if it made him regain Jake's trust, it was all worth it in his mind.

I'll do it, Monday at lunch, I'll meet you in their room

Jake smiled slightly when he saw this, this could be his chance. But what if they didn't believe him, after all Drew is a dickhead who they would've believe a word of and might just think Jake told him to do this to make them become friends with him again. Although, they had seen him fight Drew. Jake just hoped this all worked out in the end, he wouldn't mind becoming friends with Liam and Henry again, possibly Lia. But Zoey and especially Drew, he had to think about. And he didn't even know yet that Zoey had sent the recording, although Drew was very close to finding out.

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