Chapter 12 ~ The Truth...?

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School, Jake usually arrived sad, or not really happy. But this time, he wasn't just happy, he was really happy, and excited. Today was the day where Drew was gonna tell everyone what happened, now sure, Drew thought this was gonna regain Jake's trust, and that was a lie. It was gonna take a lot more to regain his trust, him seeing it as practically impossible for him to. But saying it made Drew want to do it, and since it was mostly his fault he got kicked out the music club, he didn't care that he was lying to him. So, he immediately searched for Drew, even though they decided to do it at lunch, he wanted to set it up with him first. Eventually, he found him, crying in the boys bathroom. Shit, yesterday's events came flying back to him. "Well, let's do this." Jake thought to himself, walking in and going up to him. "Hey, Dre-" Jake began, Drew instantly grabbing onto and hugging him, crying into his shoulder. This isn't what Jake wanted.

"J-Jake, I j-just wanted t-to than-" Drew tried to say. "You want to thank me for telling you about Zoey, it's fine, just try and calm down, I need to talk to you." Jake told Drew. Drew lifted his head up slightly, nodding a bit. "Y-Yeah, thanks..." Drew told Jake again, trying his best to calm down. Eventually, Drew let go of Jake after he had waited for him to calm down. "A-Alright, I think I'm g-good." Drew told Jake. "Okay, so, today's the day. At lunch, come to the music room and tell everyone what happened." Jake explained to Drew. "O-Oh, that's today?" Drew asked, Jake nodding. "C-Can we do it tomorrow? I'm s-still just recovering from Zoey and all that." Drew asked Jake. "No, it has to be today. Luke and Hailey are expecting it today." Jake responded, Drew looking down. "O-Okay, got it." Drew said quietly, Jake smiling. "Remember, you do this and you'll regain my trust." Jake told Drew before leaving the boys bathroom.

Now, Drew wanted to regain Jake's trust, that's all he wanted. But thinking through this whole situation, and what had happened the previous day, he didn't feel like doing this today. Now even if Drew did end up doing it, it wouldn't regain Jake's trust. He was lying to Drew, and he would've felt bad about it if Drew hadn't manipulated him and caused him to be kicked out of the Music Club. So, he didn't feel bad that he was lying to him. Jake strolled to his locker, put all his things in, closed it and went to his lesson, it all being pretty normal until lunch. He skipped over it because of how excited he was, but he ended up bumping into someone, who? Motherfucking Zoey. Now if it was anyone else, maybe even Drew, he would've said sorry, but this was Zoey. So, he just began to walk away before Zoey pushed him over, since it was from behind, he fell over.

"Ah, shit!" Jake said, quickly getting up and looking behind at her. "Your gonna regret what you did yesterday, Jake!" Zoey yelled at him. "What you gonna do, record me saying stuff again to send to who, exactly? You can't do anything to hurt me anymore Zoey, fuck off." Jake said, turning around and walking away. "I will get back at you Jake! Just you watch!" Zoey yelled, Jake ignoring her as he continued to walk to the music room. "Leave him alone." A voice said, Drew appearing out of nowhere. Zoey instantly looked at him, giving a warm smile. "Hey, Drewy Bear~" Zoey began before being interrupted by Drew. "Don't start that, leave Jake alone, and Lia as well. I saw you bothering her earlier. Probably isn't long until you start antagonising Henry and Liam, maybe even me." Drew told Zoey. This was when Zoey's warm smile disappeared, now a smirk appearing in it's place.

"Your right, probably isn't long before I start doing that. Don't worry, I'll antagonise you the most, Drew. Considering how much of a wimp you are, it'll be funny." Zoey told Drew. "Wimp?" Drew asked. "Yeah, you get worked up over the stupidest things, you got beat up by Jake twice, you were constantly crying to me about how much you wanted Jake back, and smashing your phone over him? If your that obsessed with him, then just date him already." Zoey said to Drew, him looking away. "Shut up, he's my friend and I care about him." Drew told Zoey. "Open your eyes already Drew, Jake hates- no, despises you. All thanks to me really, so your welcome." Zoey told Drew, him then walking away, Zoey not bothering following because she knew the damage had been done. Drew ran back to the boys bathroom, thinking of everything, completely forgetting that he was meant to go meet Jake in the music room, having what felt like a semi panic attack.

So Jake was in the music room, practicing, waiting for Drew to arrive. But he never did, and when lunch was over, Luke and Hailey walked over to him. "Where's that proof you were talking about, Jake?" They both asked, looking at each other, realising the other also knew about the proof. "I- It was meant to be here." Jake said, leaving the room, both Luke and Hailey being confused. Jake went back to the boys bathroom after hearing crying again, walking in to see Drew. "Drew, what the hell?" Jake asked, not even seeming to ask or acknowledge the fact he was crying again. "O-Oh, u-uh...I-" Drew tried to explain himself before Jake spoke again. "You were meant to meet me in the music room, you were meant to explain to the club!" Jake began before Drew just ran out of the room, going to his next lesson. Jake would've followed and talked to him, but once he realised he also had to go to lesson, he sighed and just began to walk to his lesson himself.

After school, Jake went to practice with the club, kind of zoning out everyone when they were speaking. It wasn't like they were talking to him anyway. Afterwards, he left the school and messaged Drew.

Drew, tomorrow, you will tell them, alright. Don't screw me over again. Remember, you'll regain my trust

Drew heard his phone buzz, but he didn't even bother looking at it, this day was just fucking with him so he had just ran home and locked himself in his bedroom. But after thinking, he pulled his phone out, ignored Jake's message and found Hailey's number. Surprisingly, she hadn't blocked him. Well, they had never spoke so perhaps she never thought to.

Hailey, Jake told you about some proof, right?

Huh, Drew? How'd you get my number?

Hailey glanced over the proof part, being confused.

It doesn't matter, the proof

Hailey sighed, responding.

Yeah, what about it, Drew?

I am that proof, Hailey. I manipulated Jake into saying all those horrible things about you and the group, I didn't know someone would record it and send it to you guys. But I purposely manipulated Jake because I feared losing him to you guys, I thought if I heard him say those things it would signify that Jake was still my friend

Hailey wasn't expecting this, she didn't know how to respond to Drew. She expected proof, but not this kind of proof, not this at all.

Meet me during lunch in the cafeteria so we can talk this out

He didn't know why, but this made Drew have a small smile on his face. If he explained it to Hailey, she would tell the group and they would believe her since she was the president of the club, and friends with all of them. And then they might let Jake be their friend again, and he might be able to regain his trust once he found out he did it. Hopefully, that's all he wished for.

Got it

Hailey felt like messaging Jake about it, but decided not to. For the time being, she wanted to keep this private between her and Drew, well not really private, she would tell the group once he told her and tell Jake, but after he told her. Hailey didn't really know why she was believing Drew, maybe it was because Jake had already mentioned proof to her and Luke, perhaps another reason, she wasn't sure. If it was any other situation she wouldn't have believed him, this was Drew after all, but...this felt different.

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