Chapter 6 ~ The Fight

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It was Thursday, Jake had just entered the school, the only thing really on his mind was that band practice was at Hailey's house again. He was still sort of nervous, the thought of her and Zander's parents on his mind. When he arrived at his locker, luckily there was no one waiting there or there when he turned around or when he closed his locker, which was different to the previous days. No one actually interacted with him until lunch, when he was sitting at his table by himself, someone sat down in front of him, looking up to only see Drew. "....what do you want?" Jake asked, Drew looking at him. "Jake, I wanna talk." Drew said. "....well....hurry up then..." Jake said, looking back at his food and not wanting to look at Drew. "I'm sorry about what happened with the fre- the club, alright. I didn't mean to, well in your words, 'manipulate' you. I was just like, stating my opinions and thoughts, you're my frie-" Drew started.

"Were." Jake interrupted. "Fine, were my friend, and I didn't want you to get used." Drew continued. "I wasn't getting used, they were my friends, my real friends, and you made me lose them." Jake said. "Look, I wasn't the one who recorded you, I would never do that to you, Jake. I was just happy to see you finally realise, but I didn't record you." Drew told Jake. "I don't give a crap who recorded me. Well, I want to find out who did, but overall, I'm glad it happened. Because I realised I was friends with assholes." Jake responded, finally looking back up at Drew. "Jake, back when high school started, who were your only friends? Me, Henry and Liam. You had no one else." Drew told Jake. "Y'know what Drew, no matter how much I hate you, I will always thank you for that. But you just turned me into a bully." Jake said to Drew. "Alright, you think whatever you want. Whenever you start thinking straight, come talk to me." Drew said, getting up.

"But don't go blaming me because you lost your 'friends' after insulting them, in fact, whoever did record it was helping them realise the way you truly are. Your never gonna be a music freak, deep down your a Jomie, and you always will be one. They were never your real friends, and they never will be." Drew said, beginning to walk away. "..fuck you Drew..." Jake mumbled, but somehow loud enough for Drew to hear, him turning around. "What did you just say?" Drew asked. "I said fuck you, Drew." Jake answered, looking up at Drew, getting up himself. Drew now got nervous, he had already been a fight with Jake and got beat pretty easily and badly, so deep down he was actually kinda scared of Jake, but he didn't show that. Drew walked up to Jake, him now being able to see the bruises he gave him during the fight. "Fuck me, huh? No, fuck you, Jake." Drew said to Jake. "Back when high school started, I wish I never met you. You never know, might of pursued my singing, could've even joined the music club." Jake responded.

"You wish you never met me? Well too bad, Jake. You did, and I know deep down that your happy you did. Without me, you wouldn't have lasted a day in high school. It's because of me, your here where you're now." Drew told Jake. "Your right, you're the reason I'm here where I am now. Kicked out of the music club, lost my real friends, it's all because of you." Jake said. "I should've just listened to Hailey and left you guys earlier on, might've still had them now." Jake added. Drew looked down for a slight second, before looking back up at Jake. "You don't mean a word you just said, you don't mean a word you've said today." Drew said. "Oh I mean every word I've said, Hailey was right about you, I know realise that." Jake said. "Oh will you shut up about Hailey?! Just accept the fact that you fucked up and she left you! And that's a good thing, she was using you for this stupid competition, and now that she's gone, you come back to your true friends." Drew yelled at Jake, catching some people's attention. "Oh god." Henry and Liam both said, knowing a fight would most likely happen between these two.

And it did. Jake threw a punch at Drew, hitting him square in the face, but this time, Drew threw a punch back, catching Jake in the cheek and off guard. Sure, in their original fight, Drew tried to fight, but he couldn't. And when he did successfully throw a punch, it was always weak. But this time, it was enough to send Jake stumbling back a bit. Now, Drew actually felt bad, no matter what happened, Jake would always be his friend, no matter what. But after all these events, even he knew that their friendship was done for. Jake quickly threw another punch, Drew dodging it but being hit by a surprise second one. People started to crowd, Henry and Liam included, along with Sean and Milly actually, Jake even felt like he could slightly see Hailey in the corner of his eye. Sadly, well to the students who wanted to see a fight, it was quickly broken up and Jake and Drew were separated before any major damage could happen. When they were both asked how this fight started, they just answered that they weren't friends anymore, which confused the teachers who always saw them together since the beginning of high school.

Either way, they were both sent home. Jake got told off by his parents, Drew not really, but in the end both ended up in their rooms. Jake was pissed off, but Drew, Drew was sad, he was upset, he even began to cry slightly. All he wanted was to regain his friendship with Jake, while all Jake wanted was to regain his friendship with the music club. It was safe to say, the Jomies weren't getting Jake back anytime soon. After school was done, Jake got a message from someone, it was Hailey actually.

Hey, are you okay? I saw that fight with you and Drew

Jake was surprised Hailey cared enough to message him.

I'm fine, why do you care?

I just wanted to make sure Jake, sure, I'm not your friend and I still don't like you, but I don't want you getting badly hurt. Why were you even fighting Drew, anyway? You guys are friends

....Not anymore

Jake didn't want to tell Hailey about the whole situation yet, she would likely not believe him but he wanted to give it some time. Hailey was obviously confused by this, but didn't want to press further.

Alright, remember practice is at my house, be there in around an hour


He released he would have to sneak out, his parents basically grounded him, saying he was lucky he wasn't suspended. But it was fine, it wasn't the first time he had snuck out. Drew on the other hand didn't get a message but messaged the group: The Jomies, Jake was obviously in it but left after the events, so it was just him, Liam, Henry. Drew had invited Zoey and she invited Lia so they were there, but they barely talked in the chat.

Guys, you know that day we were at my house and Jake said those things about the music freaks?

Drew, are you okay? We saw you fighting Jake earlier

Don't change the subject, do you remember?

Uh, yeah, I remember


Well, did any of you record Jake saying those things, because someone did and sent it to the music freaks which caused them to kick him out

Wait, really? Well I definitely didn't

Same here, did you Drew?

Obviously not, I wouldn't be asking if I did

Drew believed Henry and Liam, which narrowed down the suspects to Zoey and Lia who didn't respond. Although Lia and Zoey were out shopping, Lia hadn't seen it, but Zoey had, she was staring at it, with a little smirk on her face. As she was the one who recorded it, her only real goal was to get Jake kicked out the music club, not realising or knowing of everything else that happened because she didn't care enough to check in on it. But now Drew knew someone recorded, so she'd have to be more careful as Drew would definitely ask her the next time they met up. It was fine though, everything had gone according to plan. Jake got kicked out, and was overall really sad, which she liked, she hated Jake ever since he blackmailed her, and Drew had no clue it was here....yet.

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