Chapter 23 ~ The Competition

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A/N ~ I started writing the on the 6th July but purposely waited until Episode 11 came out(and now it has, and I FUCKING loved it! Can't wait for Season 2) mostly so I'd know what to write for the competition song, and now I have the lyrics. Most of this chapter is being wrote on the 15th July, when the episode came out. But it won't probably come out for a few days after. So, just remember, I wrote most of this when Episode 11 came out

Jake, Hailey, Zander, Luke, Sean and Milly, The Music Club, The Music Freaks, those people who played instruments, however you knew them as, they were about to perform. They all arrived backstage, getting dressed into their competition outfits that Hailey made them. Once they were all dressed, Jake went into the hall where their was food being given out because he told Hailey he'd get them some food to eat. When he arrived, he grabbed as much food as he could hold, beginning to walk back before hearing someone scream: "JAKE!" He practically jumped, keeping a tight hold of the food so he didn't drop any of it. He turned around and saw Milo running up to him. "Milo!" Jake yelled, sighing. "What do you want?" He asked. "Mom and dad want to talk to you before the competition." Milo told him. "Tell her I'll be a minute." Jake said, turning back around and walking back to the club, laying the food out on the table. "You got us food?" Sean asked. "I told Hailey I'd get her some, so I figured I may as well get some for everyone else." Jake said, smiling as he grabbed a piece of food and began eating. "Thanks, Jake." Luke said, as he grabbed some food. Zander looked at Jake and just smiled slightly, that being his thank you. Milly just began grabbing food and eating, but at least she looked happy. "Thank you, Jake. I'm glad you remembered." Hailey said, beginning to eat food because she hadn't eaten anything yet.

Once Jake was done eating, he then turned back around and walked back into the hall, walking to where Milo, his mom and dad were. "Hey, what did you guys need-?" Jake asked, before freezing as he saw who was sat next to his family. It was Micheal, Shannon and Bethany. Oh shit! Had Micheal told his parents what happened?! Were his parents about to force him not to perform?! Or would he just get yelled at later?! "Hey, Jake." Shannon said, smiling. "H-Hey." Jake muttered, looking at Micheal, who was looking back at him, smiling, like how he use to before he found out about the audio. "Hey." Micheal said. "H-Hi." Jake muttered out, looking at his parents. "We just wanted to say how proud we are of you, Jake." His mom said, smiling as she gave him a hug. Oh thank god. Jake sighed in relief, hugging his mom back. "Your gonna do great, buddy." His dad said, smiling at Jake. "T-Thanks, guys." Jake said. "U-Uh, I have to get back." Jake said. "Of course." His dad said. "Good luck, Jakey!" Milo said, Jake rolling his eyes and walking back to the club. "Jake, was that about?" Hailey asked when Jake arrived. "Oh, nothing." Jake said, smiling at her, seeing there we no food left. "Wow, you guys were hungry." Jake said, laughing slightly. "We all skipped lunch too, Y'know." Sean said. "Yeah." Jake responded.

"Well, we have about 10 minutes of time to kill. If you guys wanna go see anyone, you should do it now." Hailey told them. The club nodded, Luke grabbing Zander's hand and beginning to walk into the hall. "H-Huh-?!" Zander said. "C'mon, Zander, let's get see Shannon before the competition." Luke said, smiling. Sean walked into the hall to go see Daisy. "You gonna go see, Elliot?" Jake asked, Milly blushing. "S-Shut it- w-wait, he's here? Have you seen him?" Milly asked. "Yeah, he's on the second row in the middle." Jake replied, and almost instantly, Milly ran out. Hailey giggled. "That was fast." Hailey said, looking back at Jake who leaned in and kissed her, causing Hailey to blush. "Just wanna calm your nerves." Jake said, smiling. "T-That doesn't help-!" Hailey said, blushing as she looked down, trying to stop herself from smiling. "C'mon, it's only us. And I did carry ALL that food over here." Jake said, acting dramatic as Hailey hugged him. "There, you happy?" Hailey asked, being able to hide her smile now. Jake smiled. "Yup!" He said, holding Hailey close.

Luke and Zander arrived at Micheal, Shannon and Bethany, Bethany almost instantly jumping up and running to Luke, hugging his leg. "LUKE!" Bethany screamed happily, Luke smiling. "Hey Bethany. Hi Micheal, hi Shannon." Luke said. "Hey, Luke." Shannon and Micheal said back, smiling. "Zander." Shannon spoke, turning to him. "Yeah?" Zander asked, Shannon hugging him. "Ah, do you have to do it here-?" Zander asked. "Of course I do, silly." Shannon said, smiling, letting go after about a minute. "So, you're Luke and Zander?" Jake's mom asked. "Yeah, who are you?" Zander asked. "I'm Jake's mom." She replied, smiling. "Oh, it's nice to meet you, Miss Sterling. You too, Mr Sterling." Luke said, smiling. Bethany then looked at Milo, Milo sharing the look. "That's Milo." Jake's dad said. "Hi, Milo." Luke said, smiling at him. But Milo didn't look at Luke, him and Bethany just kept staring at each other and basically having a staring contest. "Can we go back now, Luke?" Zander asked. "Zander, don't be rude." Shannon told him. "...sorry." Zander said, looking down. "Zander, your gonna do great. Make sure to tell Hailey and the rest of the club we're supporting you, alright?" Micheal asked, Zander nodded. "Yeah, okay." Zander said.

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