Chapter 19 ~ Lander Date

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Jake had gone to practice after school, it being nothing special and him not running into anyone who started any problems for him, thankfully. The only thing that happened was him reminding Zander and Luke to meet at the coffee shop. Speaking of which, Jake was on his way there. He felt nervous, he had never done this before. But at the same time, he felt happy. Luke and Zander were his friends, even if Zander didn't always act like it. It also was taking his mind away from meeting Micheal later on that day. Soon after walking, he ended up in front of the coffee shop, walking in and ordering a coffee and a bagel since he was hungry and decided it might take Luke and Zander a while. While drinking his coffee and eating his bagel, someone had entered the coffee shop. Jake checked slightly and saw it wasn't two people or anyone that matched Luke or Zander's description. So, he went back to eating, ignoring whoever walked in since he guessed he didn't know who it was. But he did, knowing that when the person walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. Jake looked up and saw that the person was Henry.

"Huh, Henry?" Jake asked, Henry smiling as he sat down in the booth behind Jake, sitting on his knees on the seat while looking at Jake, him turning around to face Henry. "Sup, Jakey." Henry said. "So, do you think this would be a good place to take Lia on a date?" Henry asked, Jake sighing. "You and Lia aren't dati-" Jake began. "YET! Yet! It'll happen, got any advice on how to pull her?" Henry asked. "Yeah, stop being an idiot. The way you act around her is only going to drive her away." Jake told Henry, turning back around to see Liam sitting in front of him. "Jake, hey." Liam said. "What do you want? If you're here to ask how to pull some girl as well-" Jake said. "No, no, Jake. It's just, it's been a while since we hanged out, y'know? So, do you want to hang out? I know you're not apart of the Jomies, but still, we can hang out, right? Drew doesn't have to come if you want." Liam told Jake, both him and Henry both looking at Jake with puppy eyes, basically begging him to come.

"Look, guys. At some point, yes...even if Drew comes. But right now, I can't, okay? I told Drew this, but if you guys want to talk to me, do it tomorrow. Come to the concert, I'll talk to you guys after that, got it?" Jake explained to Liam and Henry. "...okay. We miss you, Jake." Liam told Jake, getting up. "We miss you a lot." Henry added, getting up as well. They both smiled at Jake and waved before leaving the coffee shop, Jake looking out the window and seeing them walk down the street and talk to someone hiding behind a lamppost, Jake not being able to tell who it was. It bugged him, so Jake got up and was about to walk out of the coffee shop to go and see but just as he got up, Luke and Zander both walked in, Luke smiling at Jake. "Hey, Jake. Are you ready to do this...'date'?" Luke asked, chuckling slightly. "Oh, yeah, shit, of course! Sit here!" Jake told them, pointing to the booth he was sitting in. Luke and Zander both nodded as they walked further in and sat down. "Now, I don't wanna be a disturbance. So, tell me what you guys want and I'll buy it before leaving, okay? I'll see you guys at Hailey's house." Jake explained.

Luke and Zander nodded, telling Jake what they wanted and Jake bought it for them, delivering it to their table. "Alright, guys. Enjoy!" Jake said, smiling before leaving the coffee shop. Luke and Zander looked at each other, smiling as they began to eat and drank. "So, you enjoying the food?" Luke asked, Zander nodding, not talking as he kept eating. "It's good." Zander said, the food in his mouth causing his words to be muffled. " was nice of Jake to do this." Zander added, it being quieter than usual. "Yeah, it was...this is good. Now you have a reason to be nice to him." Luke said, Zander rolling his eyes. "I am very nice to him, thank you very much! ...well, as nice as I can be." Zander said. "Yeah, sure you are." Luke added. They kept eating, when they were done they drank their drinks, making small talk the whole time, only really having one full conversation about the competition which did put smiles on their faces. Once they were done, Luke and Zander looked at each other. "You ready...honey?" Luke asked, giggling as Zander blushes. "...m-mhm..." Zander said, looking away and smiling slightly. Luke took Zander's hand and got up with him, walking out together. They both felt really happy. Jake had made Lander happen when he helped Luke with his song originally, and now he helped Lander on their first 'official date'. They really had to thank Jake when they saw him later on.

Meanwhile, during the date Jake had immediately walked over to that lamppost, seeing the silhouette of a person. Hoping it was the same person, he arrived and saw that it was Drew, which was one of his first guesses to be honest. "Oh, Drew." Jake said, him instantly turning around and putting away his phone he was on at the time. "Jake? Oh, uh, hey. What are you doing here?" Drew asked. "Liam and Henry asked if I could hang out and I saw them come over here after, talking to someone, now I know that was you, which makes sense." Jake explained. "They told me that you told them that you couldn't hang out because you were don't look really busy right now." Drew told Jake. "Yeah, well, I am busy...I'll hang out with you guys at some point, okay?" Jake told Drew, him nodding. "Alright, makes sense. Well, it was good to see you again." Drew said, smiling slightly at Jake, him not sharing back the smile. Jake nodded, waving slightly as he walked away, seeing from the corner of his eyes Liam and Henry, along with who he guessed was Lia. Jake did hope they had fun together, for the most part.

When Jake arrived back at the coffee shop he saw Luke and Zander still talking and eating, smiling. But then he saw someone he told not to be there, he saw Milly looking inside from a nearby alley. Jake, rolling his eyes, he walked over and stood in front of her. "I'm telling Elliot." Jake said. "No! Jake, look, I wasn't looking at Luke or Zander! I...I was, yeah, that's it!" Milly said, smiling up at Jake, him sighing. "Look, if they see you, they'll be creeped out. Just ask Luke what it was like at Hailey's. He'll probably tell you." Jake told Milly as he began to walk away. "Hey, after the competition you should tell Elliot you love him! Perfect moment!" Jake yelled back, Milly blushing at the thought. "N-No! T-That- t-that- that...that would be nice..." Milly said to herself, smiling slightly. After walking away, Jake went straight home and hanged out for a while in his room, waiting before he had to leave. He talked with Milo, him, Jake and Oreo having some fun together until Jake decided to leave. He left his house and got on his bike and began to ride to Hailey's house since it was quite far away, and didn't want to walk to or back from. Once he arrived, he realised Luke told him that all he had to do was ask Shannon and she would allow him to put it in the back garden, but he sorta feared talking to Shannon and Micheal right now so he just left it in the bush he originally left it in.

Jake then worked up his courage, taking a breath before knocking on the door, looking down. Thankfully, not Micheal or Shannon answered, Zander did. Then again, Jake was thinking this wouldn't be any better. But surprisingly, Zander was smiling at him. "Hey, Jake, come on in." Zander said, moving out of the way so Jake could walk in. Jake looked up, being surprised, walking in and looking at Zander. "You're...surprisingly happy to see me." Jake told Zander, him sighing. "Yeah, I am, Jake." Zander told Jake. "Thank you. Thank you, for the 'date'. Me and Luke really enjoyed it, and you helped set us up, I looked back and realised that. You were being nice doing what you did, and I just wanted to thank you." Zander said, still smiling at Jake as he walked past him. Would this not be as bad as he thought it would be? Well, he took another step in and saw Micheal, thankfully not looking in his direction. But still, it scared him.

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