Chapter 5 ~ Band Practice

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During lunch, Jake like usual had his lunch, getting tired of sitting alone and would a lot of the time look over at Drew, Liam and Henry, especially after what Liam and Henry told him earlier. After eating his food quickly, he left the cafeteria and walked to The Music Room, walking in to see Zander and Hailey arguing. But once he walked in, they immediately stopped. "Oh great, your here. I was hoping you wouldn't show up." Zander said, sounding even more pissed off then yesterday. "Well bad for you, I am here. Why were you and Hailey argui-" Jake started. "None of your business!" Zander yelled at Jake, interrupting him. "Will you stop interrupting me all the time?" Jake asked. "Will you stop asking the stupidest questions and leave us alone?!" Zander yelled.

"Will you two stop?!" Milly yelled, causing both Jake and Zander to shut up. "Jake, I hate you, I really hate you after what you said about Hailey. Zander, I know you hate him too, but your gonna have to put up with him, okay? I know you care about the competition, so if you really care about the competition, you'll put up with him." Milly added, leaving the two still silent, Jake shocked because yesterday she was completely silent and sad. "Milly's right Zander, we may not like Jake, but we all have to put up with him, for the competition." Sean said. "And like I said, afterwards he's kicked out, and we don't have to interact with him again, okay?" Hailey reminded Zander. "Fine! I'll put up with him, for you guys and the competition. But the moment he does or says something, I will kill you, Jake. I let my guard down once, I won't do it again!" Zander yelled, looking away from Jake and at Luke, which obviously made him feel happier as the two shared smiles.

Jake walked over to Hailey, something Zander wouldn't like, if Luke wasn't letting him look in their direction, because another fight between Jake and Zander did not need to happen. "Hailey." Jake said, speaking quieter, even if they were practically in the corner of the room away from everyone else. "What do you want, Jake?" Hailey asked, speaking quieter like Jake because she too was getting sick of the fights and arguments between these two. "I'm sorry." Jake said, it being another attempt to try and apologise to her, taking Luke's advice to to apologise to her. "Jake, stop. Doesn't matter how many apologies you give me, I'm not forgiving you, you should know that." Hailey told Jake. "But I really am sorry for what I said, I didn't mean to say those things." Jake said again. "Of course you didn't, your lucky I even bought you back Jake, Zander told me I shouldn't have, that what that argument was about." Hailey said. "So, your giving me a third chance?" Jake asked, Hailey immediately shaking her head. "No, Jake. This is not a third chance, don't think it is." Hailey reminded Jake before walking away from him and going over to her guitar.

"Alright, guys. I said we had to practice today, alright, so let's practice." Hailey said, Milly grabbing her guitar, still seeming sad, Zander going to his piano and Luke going to his drums, Sean staying in his seat next to his computer since he was already there. Jake then walked over to the microphone that was still there, and luckily since they were still doing the same song, he already had memorised the lyrics. They began to play their instruments and Jake began to sing, and they had to admit, it did sound better with Jake back and they even found it sort of easier to play with Jake's voice back. When they finished the first time, Jake actually smiled, it felt great to be back, even if it was just for the competition. "Well, we sounded good." Luke said, smiling, trying to add positivity to the whole situation. "Yeah, you guys sounded really good." Sean said as well, also smiling. "Thanks guys." Hailey said, Milly smiled which was her way of saying thank you at the moment, and Zander stayed quiet. Jake was also quiet, but he was still smiling to himself so he didn't care, he was still enjoying the situation.

They practiced again and again until they heard the bell ring, Hailey smiling. "Well, at least we practiced today, and we did cool." She said. "Yeah, were definitely gonna win this competition!" Milly said, obviously seeming more happy, she wondered if it was because Jake had come back. "Of course we will." Zander said, sounding very confident. "We have me and Luke, we have to win." He added, smiling at Luke. "Ahem, I think your missing me, Milly and Sean, we're way better." Hailey said proudly back. "Oh, are you sure of that?" Zander asked, Hailey nodding. "Yup, I sure am." She said, Hailey and Zander laughing slightly which they liked, they didn't like how they were arguing earlier. Jake didn't even really care how his name wasn't mentioned, he knew he wasn't going to get mentioned, but he didn't really care. "Jake." He heard a voice mention him, looking over to see Hailey. "Tomorrow we can't practice here so we have to do it at my house again." She told him, Jake nodding before he left, before all of them.

Jake would have to interact with Hailey's dad and Zander's mom which would be awkward if she told them about the situation and what he said. And even if Hailey or Zander didn't, it would still be awkward, especially to be in Hailey's house again. He sighed, he would just have to put up with it, especially because he wanted to practice and wanted to the competition. He was still happy Hailey invited him back, even if it was only because she didn't want to sing and they needed him as a singer, Jake was still happy about it, and was excited for the competition. Hopefully he didn't get into anymore fights with Zander, and he promised himself to keep his mouth shut this time, even if he had no friends to secretly record him saying those things about them if he were to do it again, but he wouldn't! He wouldn't dare, he made that mistake once, he wouldn't do it again.

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