Chapter 8 ~ Apologies, Confessions And Explanations

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Jake hadn't slept, so when it was time for him to get up, he was already awake. It was Friday, meaning in a week's time, the competition would happen, and after Jake would get kicked out. Crap, Jake had practically forgotten. He got all of his things ready and left the house, skipping breakfast, his parents basically ignoring him because of what had happened. He was lucky he didn't get suspended, he wouldn't have had the chance to explain what happened to Luke. Once he arrived, he tried to find Luke instantly. But he saw someone standing at his locker, which felt like a running gag at this point, it was Drew. Jake was done with his shit, so he didn't feel like going over to him, but Drew some him first and instantly ran over. "Jake!" He yelled as he ran over, Jake sighing to himself. "I thought I told you to-" Jake began before Drew interrupted him. "Look, I'm sorry, alright. About everything, I'm sorry I manipulated you, I'm sorry I bullied the music club, I'm sorry about everything. I'll even apologise to them directly, in front of you. Please, let's just stop this and be friends again." Drew told Jake, basically begging.

"You think a lousy apology, which you probably won't even mean, will make everything better? I'm not going to forgive you, Drew. And what makes you think they'll forgive you? After you bullied them relentlessly for years, for what reason?! Huh, Drew?! I'm all ears!" Jake yelled, causing people to look again. After two fights and being sent home yesterday, along with the bruises on their faces, it was quite obvious a fight was about to happen again. Drew looked at the ground, staying silent. "That's what I thought. Your a manipulative, toxic dickhead, Drew. And I finally realised it, hopefully Henry and Liam do too soon as well." Jake said, beginning to walk away, not wanting to fight and wanting to find Luke. But Drew grabbed his arm. "I did it because I was jealous of their musical talent." Drew quickly said, Jake turning his head in confusion. "What?" He asked.

"I know I'd never have talent like that. As well as I was rich, I thought I was better than everyone." Drew continued. "I thought you were cool and invited you into our friend group, but when I saw you eyeing the club, I feared I would lose you, so I had to slowly convert you into me." He added. "I did the same to Henry and Liam, and as time went on, I chose to don that personality. If I could go back, I still would've invited you, but I wouldn't have done what I did to you, Henry or Liam." He finished, Jake looking confused, shocked, in disbelief. Was Drew telling the truth? No, he couldn't be, he was just lying to get Jake as his friend back. But something in his voice said otherwise, he couldn't remember the last time Drew was this open with him. "Are you telling the truth?" Jake asked. "I swear on my life, I wouldn't lie to you, Jake." Drew said, not daring look at Jake in the eyes, eventually letting go of him.

Jake walked away, and Drew didn't stop him. He just hoped he took what he said to heart and believed him. Jake didn't know whether to believe him, I mean, it's not like Drew hadn't already manipulated him before. But he sort of believed him, for many reasons. Either way, he didn't get much time to think about this before he saw Luke and immediately ran over, only to see Sean there as well. "Oh, uh, hi Sean." Jake said, smiling at him, remembering the chat they had yesterday. "I told Sean about it and he's willing to listen, just like I am." Luke told Jake. "Okay." Jake said, not minding if more people knew. "Well, Jake. Why did you say those things?" Sean asked, Jake taking a deep breath. "One day I was at Drew's house, playing games and a conversation happened." Jake said, leaving out the Sean and Daisy part.

"It led to Drew, Zoey, Liam, Henry and Lia...manipulating me by saying that you guys were only using me for the competition and that after all of it I'm getting nothing in return. I felt really pressured alright, I had everyone's voices running through my head until...I just let it all out. But I didn't mean a word of it, I swear! If I could go back, I would've stopped myself from doing it." Jake explained to Luke and Sean, near the end sounding like Drew. Luke and Sean listened, both of them looking at each other after. Should they believe him? It was hard to, Sean wanted to give him a chance but at the same time, he did know how much of a jerk he was to Hailey and Zander for years, so it was possible he was lying to just be fully accepted back in again. Luke felt less likely to believe Jake, considering Hailey was his best friend, he didn't feel like he could forgive him which was definitely Jake's goal by telling them what happened.

"Are you lying, Jake?" Luke asked, Jake immediately shaking his head. "No, I'm telling the truth." Jake answered. "Is that why you were fighting Drew?" Sean asked. "Yeah, that and he he continued to try and manipulate me." Jake said, not talking about the interaction they just had. "Well, give me some time, and I'll give my answer to you." Luke said to Jake, thinking about the whole situation before walking away. Sean looked at Jake, saying: "Look, I want to believe you, Jake. I really do. But after what's happened, I think I have to agree with Luke, I'll need time to think and I'll tell you later." Jake nodded, Sean walking away and Jake going back to his locker to put his stuff away, luckily Drew hadn't gone back there so he didn't have to see him again. After doing so, he realised this was his last practice this week. He also wondered whether Luke or Sean would tell anyone, he doubted Milly, Hailey and especially Zander would believe him. Maybe he could meet up with Hailey during the weekend and tell her personally.

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