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𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐄𝐍 was Rhaenyra Targaryen's firstborn. Her daughter, the rightful heir who would inherit the Iron Throne one day, leaving her to rule the Seven Kingdoms.

It was no secret that Aelora was a true Targaryen, with her long white locks and piercing lilac eyes. The girl was only ten and four, but she had already been growing into the fine young woman she would be one day. She was a kind Princess, with her heart in the right place. She loved her family fiercely and would do anything for them.

It was also no secret that Aelora was not Laenor's daughter, as well as her little brothers, Jacaerys and Lucerys Velaryon, who would later on be joined by Joffrey. The young girl's skin was a combination of white with a soft blush of pink, while the skin of her cousins, Baela and Rhaena, looked nothing like hers - they were blessed with their mother's. None of her brothers, and her, were Laenor's biological children, but he was still a father for them. Her little brothers shared an uncanny resemblance to the Commander of the City Watch, Ser Harwin Strong. Everyone knew it, but no one said it for the king promised to take whoever's tongue that would even dare to speak such lies.

For as her, she looked like a combination of Rhaenyra and her uncle, Daemon. Rhaenyra never told Aelora the truth, thinking it would weaken the bond the two had. But Aelora is no fool. Everyone could see the bond the two lovers shared, and from that bond came the white pearl with the name of Aelora Targaryen.

Aelora spent most of her time roaming outside, getting lost in the clouds. The only thing she ever dreamt of was having a dragon of her own. The young girl's egg did not hatch, leaving her empty handed and upset. For years she blamed herself, thinking she could have done something different. But her mother reassured her that she will find a dragon one day, a dragon that chooses her and vows to protect her against everything and everyone.

One day, on a late evening, Aelora snuck out of the castle to go on one of her little adventures. She could not go far, because of the guards, but she still had her little passageways that were only used by her. Or so she thought.

The young girl was so lost in her own world that she did not notice the two eyes staring at her. Every night, like clockwork. The young boy had always felt some sort of bond that drew him to her, but he never took the opportunity to speak with her. He felt lost, just like she did.

Aelora ventured off deep beneath the grounds, through tunnels that were long abandoned. Every step she took, she reached somewhere further than the day before. Until she reached the end. She had discovered the place that her mind was so sure of that exists. And she was right. It was incredibly dark, leaving her torch the only source of light and warmth.

The young girl traced her bony fingers over the walls, over the scratches that were plastered across. The scratches were larger than others. Must have been of a dragon, she thought. She had never been this close to one, even if it were only the scratches.

Aelora explored every little corner of the secret place. For any other person this would look boring, but it was everything for her.

She stood facing a wall, a smile spreading across her face. But it faded when she heard rumbling behind her. There was one spot she had not yet explored and now, she wasn't sure she wanted to.

In the corner of her eyes she saw a large beast crawling at her, he opened his mouth as wide as the place she was currently trapped in. This was it she thought, this was where she would die. Alone in a place where no one would ever find her.

She thought about her mother in that moment. How brave she has always been and how brave she had raised her children to be. She held her torch next to the beast. Her eyes widened at the sight of the most beautiful dragon she has ever seen. Aelora recognized him immediately, for his golden scales and horns. Vermithor. She felt confused, her mother had always said to her the dragon was held at Dragonstone, in one of the smoking caverns. How did he get here? And why did he get here?

Vermithor crawled closer to the girl, but she did not back down. "Vermithor, lykiri."(calm down) She yelled, but the beast did not calm down, nor did he stop crawling. Aelora opened her mouth again, yelling, "dohaeris!" (obey) Vermithor snorted, but halted. The Bronze dragon was even more beautiful than everyone described. His wings were tan colored, with horns sticking out on both sides of his head. She knew he was a large dragon, he was the third largest, after Balerion and her aunt Laena's dragon, Vhagar.

Aelora took tiny steps towards him, muttering lykiri under her breath, hoping he would not get any crazy ideas. But he did not, Vermithor felt Aelora the moment she stepped foot in this place. It was the reason he had followed her here, to strengthen the bond between the two. Just like he had with King Jaehaerys I. He felt her heart, and he decided for her to be his next rider.

Her steps took an halt as she reached the dragon's nose. He was grumbling very low, but enough for her to be on edge. She reached for him, being careful of the horns that were sticking out. She placed her hand on his nose and instantly felt connected to the large beast. She always envied her brothers for having dragons, they were always so happy being surrounded by them. She wanted that feeling too. And now, she decided to take it and never let it go.

The young Princess retreated her hand and walked to the side of the dragon. She placed both her hands on his hard skin, wishing to be closer to him. Aelora swallowed a few times before she attempted to climb the large dragon. The girl was only 5'3, but her bravery was for sure 7'4. It took her a few tries with some mumbles from Vermithor himself, but she had managed to crawl onto his back. Aelora did not know this feeling. It felt like she was an unstoppable force of nature, feared by everyone. She knew the dragon had no saddle, but she took the risk to hit her leg against his side. A dragon like him should not have a saddle, he should be able to be free. She yelled, "soves!" (fly) Vermithor stood up and spread his wings. He did not bother going through the tunnels, he went straight up, through the soils of the earth until he reached the outside. Aelora hung on for dear life, but she trusted him. No one would touch her, not when Vermithor was around. Guards from all around the place panicked, calling for help. It only made Aelora laugh.

The young prince, who was still standing on the balcony, still looking at her, was witnessing everything that was happing around her. Aemond was never one for feeling, but he couldn't help but feel something strange for her as he watched it all unfold. Did he feel proud? He himself did not know, but it didn't stop him from smiling as he heard the girl laugh.

Everyone rushed outside to see what was happening. Rhaenyra stood watching through her window with her newest babe, Joffrey cradled in her arms. She felt fear for Aelora's life, but she knew her daughter. She knew what she was capable of, and she was only ten and four. It made her think of the future, and grew curious to see how everything would unfold.

Aelora screamed as Vermithor took off in a straight line to the clouds above them. The young Princess felt her grip loosen, to the point where she was dangling off the dragon's back. She had never felt adrenaline like this before, even if it meant she could die. But Vermithor changed his position, making Aelora fall flat on her arse on his back. She laughed as she screamed at him, "that was evil!" She was whooping in the sky for the rest of their flight.

Aelora had the one thing she had dreamed of.

Or maybe not the only thing, for as her eye had caught the young prince. And she never turned down a challenge, as was proven.


hi! okay, kind of freaking out but here is chapter one! i hope you liked it and that you'll stick around for more. :)

don't hesitate to comment/offer me tips on how to better my story, but keep it respectful. <3

Eye of The Dragon, Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now