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𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫. (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈)

𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐒 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐃 on a cane as he walked. Half of his face was covered with a golden mask to hide his wounds. He breathed heavily for everyone to hear. He felt weak, but he knew his daughter needed him, and he wouldn't let her down. Not again. Aelora looked at her mother who was staring in admiration at her father. She admired his strength, and his willingness to protect her as well as her children. Viserys reached the front of the room and turned to Otto. "I will sit the Throne today," he weakly muttered. Otto couldn't do anything other than nod at his words. "Your Grace," he said. Viserys attempted to walk the stairs himself but the exercise proved itself to be too hard. A Guard rushed over to him but Viserys told him that he'll be fine. Viserys took the first few steps slowly before his Crown slid off his head. He was too weak to pick it up himself, and he considered to just let it stay there. Aelora's eyes followed her father as he walked to his brother. "I said I'm fine," Viserys stammered before seeing who was standing next to him. He looked surprised at the sight of his brother. "Come on," Daemon spoke softly. He picked up the King's crown and guided Viserys to the top. When Viserys reached his seat Daemon placed the crown back on his head. Aelora saw a kindness in her father that many refused to see. It was true that he was quick to anger, and perhaps a little bit obsessed with the idea of a war, but it was this person right there that was her father. And she looked up to him.

Rhaenyra walked back to Luke's side as she softly caressed her belly. Viserys shifted in his chair to hold a straight posture. Daemon had made his way back to the ground floor. "I must admit my confusion," he stuttered. "I do not understand why petitions are are being heard over a settled succession. The only one present who might offer keener insight into lord Corlys's wishes is the Princess Rhaenys." All heads turned her way. "Indeed, Your Grace," she simply said. Rhaenys took her steps slow as she made her way to the front. "It was ever my husband's will that Driftmark pass through Ser Laenor to his trueborn son, Lucerys Velaryon. His mind never changed. Nor did my support of him," the Princess declared.

"As a matter of fact, the Princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire to marry her sons Jace and Luke to Lord Corlys' granddaughters, Baela and Rhaena." The four of them smiled at each other at the thought. "A proposal to which I heartily agree." Aelora couldn't contain the smile creeping on her face. It's when she saw Aegon that she remembered the events of before. Aegon raised his eyebrows to Aelora, taunting her. It only gave her the confirmation that she needed. Viserys spoke, "Well, the matter is settled. Again." Rhaenyra looked pleased, but most of all relieved. "I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the next lord of the Tides," the King assured.

Aelora felt a storm coming, one that goes by the name of Vaemond. "You break law and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir," Vaemond started as he walked through the room. "Yet you dare tell me who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon," he scowled. "No. I will not allow it."

This is what Daemon perhaps had been waiting for. Someone to not alone go against the King, but against his family. "Allow it?" Viserys inquired. "Do not forget yourself, Vaemond." In one swift motion Vaemond turned to Lucerys. "That is no true Velaryon," he shouted as he pointed his finger at Luke's face. Aelora shifted on her feet but Daemon held her arm. "And certainly no nephew of mine," he added. Rhaenyra turned to Luke, "go to your chambers," then turned back to Vaemond, "you have said enough." Viserys' breathing became heavier. "Lucerys is my true-born grandson. And you are no more than the second son of Driftmark." Fighting fire with fire, Aelora thought. Smart. "You may run your House as you see fit, but you will not decide the future of mine." Vaemond's words became harder. "My house survived the Doom, and a thousand tribulations besides." He turned to Luke, "and Gods be damned, I will not see it ended on the account of this-." He stopped before he said the word Aelora dreaded to hear. But Daemon provoked him. "Say it," he spoke. The room was quiet for a few beats before Vaemond opened his mouth again. "Her children," he spoke. His tone then changed. "Are bastards!" He yelled through the whole room. Vaemond then smiled at Aelora, "all of them." Aelora looked at Aemond who nodded his head at her, letting her know that whatever happens he'll be there to catch her. But for her it looked like a challenge. Like he wanted to see how far she could go, and she'd happily show him. Viserys moved forward in his chair. Vaemond then looked at Rhaenyra. "And she is a whore." The crowd gasped at his words. First it was Criston who spoke such a vile thing, and now it was Vaemond. That's two people too much. She had warned Criston, but after Vaemond's words to her brothers she didn't feel the need to let him off with a warning. Viserys stood on his feet, "I will have your tongue for that." He pulled his blade out.

The next few minutes went fast for everybody else but Aelora. She had slowly stepped back in the crowd as she snuck behind Vaemond's back. She had her father's sword, Dark Sister, in her hands and in one swift move she cut off Vaemond's head, just above his tongue. Everyone took a step back in response as his corpse hit the ground. Rhaenyra held her sons hands while Daemon pushed through to get to his daughter. Aelora looked unfazed at the event, even if this was her first official kill. He deserved what he got. She had told them that they didn't come to play fair, and she meant it. Daemon chuckled at Vaemond's body. "Well, no need to take his tongue anymore," he said amusingly. Aelora's eyes moved from one person to another. "Let this be a warning," she warned the people in the room. "How you speak of me does not affect me, but be careful how you speak about my brothers." Her eyes landed on Criston, "and especially my mother."

"The next person to spit vile accusations at my family will lose their head. And I always follow through with my promises, as I have just proven." Aelora handed her father his sword. "Disarm them!" Sounded through the room. Swords got pulled out to point at their faces. "No need," Daemon said as he pushed Aelora behind him. He cleaned off Dark Sister and gave his daughter a proud smile.

Aemond now realized what the future held for him. It was her, that much he knew. But it would be she as Queen of the ashes. And most importantly, his Queen.


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