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𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭'𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞.

𝐀𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃'𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐘. He would never turn down a fight, especially not one where he would have the upper hand. He opened his mouth to respond but their attention got pulled to something else. The gate opened, revealing the Knights of house Velaryon, carrying their flag. Vaemond was walking between them, his eyes never leaving Luke. Aemond watched them closely and a grin crept on his face. Aelora had noticed it, pressing her nails deeper in her skin. She realized that the Aemond she once knew and possibly loved was perhaps gone. She felt nothing for him, not even hate. When it came to Aemond, she was numb.

Lucerys followed them as they made their way inside. His mouth slightly open, afraid of what might happen. He knew how he looked, and he knew he shared no similarities with his father, but he was a Velaryon. No matter what.

Aemond turned around to find Aelora but she was gone. His eyebrows frowned as he dropped his sword to run inside. Criston noticed his sudden behavior, but didn't think much of it. He would keep a close eye, as he had promised the Queen.

Aelora had been brought to her chambers where she could come to her senses. She started walking back and forth in the room, not slowing down, only going faster. Her thoughts were not slowing down either, she banished him from her heart, had she not? She swore it to herself. Her mind was betraying her. For her mind knew what her heart most desired. Aelora took a close look at herself in the mirror. "You can be such a fool at times." She laughed at herself as a small tear rolled down her cheek. It was true that Aelora was an exceptional woman. Most women were jealous of her, although Aelora would like to scream in their faces that it is not as glamorous as it may seem. Her eyes had lost that sparkle that she had when that was younger, family will do that to you.

Aelora dressed herself in a long black gown with red emeralds sewn into it at the sides. She loved this dress, it was her mother's once. She then combed her hair one last time. The Princess never braided her hair like her mother did, she simply let it hang over her shoulders. Her hair had grown quite long over the years and she enjoyed the sight of it.

Aelora opened her door only and bumped into a young man. "So it is true what they said, you are back." Aegon slurred with a cup in his hand. "It seems that your habits have not changed, uncle." Aegon let out a small hiccup and invited himself in her room. He placed the cup on her dresser and turned her way. "You are different than I remember," he stammered. Aelora saw his eyes trying to focus but he was too far gone. "I think it's best that you return to your chambers, my prince." Aegon took a few step back and fell down on her bed. She'll have to burn that later tonight. "I am quite comfortable here actually." Aelora looked in the corridor to see if anyone was passing. This could end very bad for her, to be seen with the prince behind closed doors, on her bed. She had no intention to end up being married to this creature on her bed.

Aelora simply walked away. She roamed through the halls when her eyes spotted another Targaryen. She dusted off her sweaty hands and walked his way. Aemond had been looking out the window for the past few minutes, he had looked almost everywhere for her but she had simply disappeared. "Remove your brother from my chambers because it won't be pretty when I have to do it," Aelora declared. Aemond slowly turned around. "My brother is in your chambers?" His eye narrowed, a shot of jealousy coursing through his veins. Aelora crossed her arms across her chest. "He barged in unannounced and drunk. He did not want to leave my chambers so I am asking you nicely, please remove him. If anyone finds out I have the Prince in my room behind closed doors, who knows what they'll speak of me." Aelora felt true fear in that moment. She did not want to be betrothed to someone like him. Aemond let out a deep breath. "Very well."

Aemond remained at Aelora's side as they silently walked back to her chambers. They simply had no words for each other. Once arrived, Aemond tried to shake his brother awake but Aegon had gone off to a land far away. Aemond grunted as he picked his brother up and threw him over his shoulder. Aelora was impressed with how little effort it took him. It made her curious to say the least.

Aemond walked out the door, threw his brother on the cold stones and walked back in. He closed the door behind him, but it didn't lock so it was slightly opened. Aelora stood dumbfounded, she had just explained she didn't want rumors and yet he did the opposite of what she had asked. "Open the door, uncle. You know I cannot be found with another man." Aemond said nothing, he only took a few steps in her direction. "I have not seen you for seven years, and the first thing you want to do is fight me." He looked down at the spot his brother had laid in. "You are not the girl I remember to be, Princess." Aelora stood up straight, holding her folded hands in front of her. "Same could be said of you uncle. First thing your mind went to was fighting my brothers." Aemond sighed and straightened the sheet. "I asked them to train, not to fight," he taunted as he sat down. Aelora let out a breath, "Your words said train but the meaning behind them was fight, you do not fool me." Aemond was impressed by her knowledge. Even if she hadn't seen him in years, she still understood him the same. It was like the little boy in him never left.

"Now please leave me be," Aelora hesitated. She was surprised by it, it sounded more direct in her mind but when she said the words she realized that she didn't want him to go. It's what her heart desired the most, to be close to him.

He stood up and walked up to her, only a few inches separating him from her. He could smell her, the same scent as all those years ago. Vanilla.

Five years ago, when Aemond had just returned home, he ordered for his whole room to smell like vanilla. His mother did not understand why, and she did not question it further. If he could not be with her, he would bring her to him. Even if it was only her scent.

"Ask me again," he stated. Aelora could not, her voice would betray her. Aemond let out a dark chuckle under his breath, "you do not fool me either, dear niece." Aemond took a step closer. He was bolder than he was all those years ago. He knew what he wanted then, and he knew what he wanted now. He was too scared to act on it then, but he wasn't anymore. And he could see on her face that everything was mutual. Her desire for him was more intense than anything anyone could ever dream of. They weren't children anymore, and they both knew it.

"Aemond," she softly spoke. Her voice was in shambles, just like her mind. She wanted him closer, needed him closer. But she couldn't. She remembered her duty and what is expected of her. But why does this feel so right if it's so bad?

His name on her lips always made him crazy. It awoke something in him, something he had pushed down a while ago. But it's stronger and more powerful than him.

It was hungry, and she was its meal.


Eye of The Dragon, Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now