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𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐃 𝐈𝐓, she really did. She did not like seeing him like this because of her. Aemond had annoyed her to the point where Aelora finally broke down and told him the person responsible. He started pacing in her chambers, like a murderous wolf ready to slay everyone responsible for hurting his mate.

The Prince was angry for not killing Criston sooner. He had seen the way his eyes would cross the Princess, but he never imagined him going so far to the point of torture. He felt so incredibly stupid, and dare he think even responsible. He should have been here with her, and he regretted it deeply that he was not.

Aelora and Aemond spent the entire morning conversing on how they were going to take care of this matter. She had to calm him down a few times, but eventually he listened to her and not to that gnawing voice in his head pushing him to slash Criston Cole's throat open. Either way, Criston Cole was going to lose his life.

The Princess had dressed herself in a less conspicuous outfit. She quickly braided her hair before exiting her chambers. She carefully snuck around the castle, one wrong move and someone could see her. And if they saw her, they would mention it to her parents, as well as the thick bruise around her eye. Aelora ran out on to the field where Vermithor was soundly asleep on the cold grass. The beast awoke when he heard Aelora's footsteps.

Meanwhile, Aemond was whistling in the corridor as he walked down the stairs. The small council had just finished meeting, and he had overheard his mother asking Criston to stand down in the training area. Aemond left some space between him and the Knight as they walked outside. He then fastened his pace and immediately pulled Criston to the side, where it was nothing but dark.

Criston was covered in armour, but his head was not. In one movement Aemond reached for Morningstar and tossed it far away from Cole's reach. Aemond then continued to press the point of Aelora's dagger to his throat, he could see some sweat dripping from Criston's dark hair. The Prince smirked at the Knight, "not that vocal anymore, are we?" He pushed Wicked Eye further in his throat. A small drop of blood dripped down. "Do not worry, I'm not going to kill you." Even though he really wanted to. He wanted to push the dagger down his throat and watch him fall down. He wanted to watch him gasp for air as the blood gushed out of his throat. He wanted to watch the way Criston's life would leave his eyes. But he stopped himself, this wasn't his life to take, and he made a promise.

Criston was smarter than to shout for help. It would harm his reputation, and he was too proud for that. Aemond knew he wouldn't go quietly, but then again it is known that a Targaryen is never really alone. Everyone's eyes turned to the sky above them as the biggest dragon alive flew over their heads. Vhagar flew in circles above the training area, refusing to leave Aemond's side. Aemond turned to Criston to watch the absolute life drain out of him. "I suggest you don't try anything funny, Cole." The Knight seethed with anger, these fucking Targaryens would be the death of him.

The whole area cleared out as everyone returned inside. They were unsure why Vhagar was flying so close to them, but they didn't want to stick around to find out. Criston didn't know Aemond's plan, but he knew it wasn't going to end well for him. He followed Aemond through the big brown gate, heading to a field far away from the Red Keep.

The walk was quiet. Aemond had turned Wicked Eye to the back of Cole's neck, in case he decided to pull something funny. But if Cole was going to die, he was damn sure to speak his last words. "She has got you under her spell, Prince. You can still turn back." Aemond sliced the back of Criston's neck, "Do not speak." Criston knew he couldn't make Aemond change his mind, but he would die trying. "She is her mother's daughter and she has poisoned your mind. I should know, I was once that boy."

Eye of The Dragon, Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now