A past encounter

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People gathered for Sunday services. I scanned the parishioners until my eyes fell on a man sitting alone in the back pew. Once everyone found their seats, I started.

"Good morning. Today, I wanted to discuss judgment. Please turn to Matthew 7:1-2. Do not judge, or you, too, will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

I stepped away from the podium and addressed my parishioners. "Most people forget that passage when they judge others. Why? What makes a person better than another? Who are we to judge others when we sin ourselves?"

My parishioners regarded me.

I put my hand in my pocket and gestured with my other hand. "Sitting in church doesn't make any more a Christian than sitting in a garage makes you a mechanic." I walked across the stage and addressed on the side. "What gives you the right to judge another? Nothing." I moved to the other side. "Who are you to judge? It's not your place."

I turned to my congregation. "As people, we become lost, trying to find our way. It's easier to judge someone's actions than help them. Because helping would prove we followed God's path. That's why I asked someone to speak today that understands better than anyone."

The congregation remained silent as I sat down.


I climbed the steps to the stage, walked toward the podium, and saw my dads and Jayden sitting in the audience. I also recognized Jordin's birth father sitting in the back row.

"Good morning. Oliver asked me to speak to everyone today regarding my adoption. If you look five rows back, you will see my dads and brother," I said.

Everyone looked in my dads and Jayden's direction.

"Now, it may surprise you that I have two gay white parents. Most people assume a family consists of a man and a woman of the same color. If they saw my family dynamic, they would make comments. Trust me. My family has heard them."

People whispered amongst themselves.

"But let me explain something. It doesn't matter about our skin color or our dads' sexual orientation. What matters is Jayden, and I got a chance with a loving family. Our dads loved us as their own because the alternative wasn't great. We had a chance to grow up in a stable environment with a family who accepted us."

Markus and Hayden beamed as Jayden glanced at them and shook his head.

"When Oliver spoke about judging people, he meant not judging people at all. It shouldn't matter your skin color, sexual orientation, religion, or circumstance. People make mistakes. It makes us human. But giving a child a chance at life speaks volumes. I chose to help children because my dads took us in and loved us."

When I stopped speaking, I waited until someone started to clap. I saw Markus stand up, clap, and whistle. Hayden followed suit as others joined them. My lips twisted into a grin. I hope it showed Jordin's birth father that he made the right decision.


I knew having Kayden speak would help people to understand how important it is not to judge people. He was a perfect example of leading people.

After the service, people spoke to me about my sermon. As people mingled, the man from the back pew approached me.

"Reverend Harper?" The man asked.

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