Gift giving

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I gave Kyler, Colby, and Sofie their gifts. They opened them and thanked me. Then afterward, I headed to the restaurant to give gifts to my other coworkers.

Gabe unwrapped his gift. "Wow, thanks, Mercedes." He hugged me.

The others unwrapped their gifts and thanked me. I told Jordin that people to enjoy gifts.


After I opened Mercedes's gift, I grabbed a plastic bag from my hiding spot and handed her, Gabe, and Lucas a gift. They unwrapped them and smiled. Then I waited until Ryden was alone and gave him a gift.

Ryden took the wrapped item in a newspaper from me.

"Sorry, I couldn't afford pretty paper like Mercedes."

Ryden raised his brow, unwrapped the gift, and stared at the Christmas ornament dressed in a chef's uniform.

"I didn't know what to get you, so I bought you a chef ornament."

Ryden looked at me. "I like it. Thanks."

"No problem."

"Here." Ryden grabbed a small bag and handed it to me.

I took it, reached inside, and pulled out a snow globe.

"It plays music." Ryden took it from me, turned the knob, and held it in his hand.

I'll be Home for Christmas played as fake snow fell on the house. I stared at it and furrowed my brows.

"Do you not like it?"

I looked at Ryden. "No, I like it."

"Are you sure?"

I cradled the globe to my chest. "Yeah. It's nice."

Ryden pinched his brows and creased his forehead. I walked away and added it to the other gifts that I received since I wasn't getting much.

After we exchanged gifts, I bundled up and hurried home. Once inside, I removed my coat, kicked off my shoes, took out the gifts, and set them by my makeshift tree.

I could still celebrate Christmas even by myself. Who needs people around to cause drama?

I padded into the kitchen, grabbed a mug, and fixed a hot cocoa. Thanks to Rachel, I could watch Netflix on my phone.

While I waited for my hot cocoa and searched for a Christmas movie, I heard a knock. It's probably Rachel checking on me.

I strolled to the door and opened it as I stared at the person standing there. "Ryden? What are you doing here."

Ryden barged past me.

"Why don't you come in?" I closed my door and turned to him.

Ryden glanced around at my apartment. "I wondered why you seemed squirrelly."

"What are you talking about?"

Ryden crept toward me. "You're not eighteen, are you?"

"I will be eighteen in a few years. Does that count?"

"Are you shitting me?"

"What? You make it sound like a bad thing."

The microwaved dinged. I walked into the kitchen as Ryden followed me.

"You lied to my dad. Do you know how much trouble he could get into?"

I stirred my cocoa. "It's not like I handle liquor."

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