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I called Gabe and asked for a few days off. When he asked me why I told him it was personal. He agreed.

I focused on the kids at the center to keep my mind off Jordin, but it wasn't easy. I plastered a smile on my face while helping the kids. Why should they deal with a miserable sod?

When the kids led for the day, I cleaned the activity room and put stuff away.

"Hey," Sofie said.

"Hey." I straightened up the bins.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Do you want to talk?"

"If it's about Jordin, I would rather not."

"Okay." Sofie strolled further into the room. "I heard you're playing Mary in the Christmas pageant."

Shit. I forgot about that stupid pageant. "Yeah."

"Odin said that Oliver looks forward to putting on the pageant for the community. He's even participating in it this year."

"I wasn't aware Odin was in the pageant."

"Oh, yeah. I guess Odin, Casper, and Odin's brother, Liam, are playing the three wise men."

"It sounds interesting." I kept myself busy, trying not to focus on what Sofie was saying.

"I heard Jace is excited to be in the pageant."

I stopped and looked at Sofie. She smiled at me.

"Yeah, the kids are excited to be a part of it."

"I can't wait."


"I need to go since Odin is picking me up." Sofie smiled before leaving the room.

I walked over to a chair and sat down. If it weren't for the kid, I would get out of the pageant. I rubbed my face and ran my hands through my hair before finishing and heading home.


I waited in the car with Odin when Sofie hurried out to the car and climbed into the front seat. "Well?"

Sofie turned to me. "Mercedes isn't ready to talk yet."

I knitted my brows.

"But she will be in the pageant because Jace is participating."

"Jace isn't in the pageant."

"Not unless you ask your uncle if he can be in it," Sofie smirked.

Odin and Sofie looked at me with raised brows.

"Fine. I'll ask Uncle Bradley if Jace can be in the pageant."

Sofie grinned.

Odin looked at Sofie. "I love your devious mind."

"It helps when you spy on your dad's driver." Sofie shrugged.

Yeah, I didn't want to know.

After we got home, I climbed into my car and drove to Uncle Bradley's house. Once I arrived, I knocked on the front door and waited.

The Harper Family: It's a Relationship Thing (Wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now