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"I can't believe you Mike! One thing! I asked you to do ONE thing, and you didn't do it!" Will yelled.

"Will I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! But you have to calm down. We still have some time left don't worry. It's only June! We'll be fine."

"Ok, but I wanted you to send the housing applications BEFORE June so we'd have a better chance of getting a room together. I don't want to share a room with a random person Mike, I really don't!"

"And I know that baby, but we'll be fine! Seriously! I'll do it first thing tomorrow, promise." He tried to kiss Will's forehead, but Will had backed away.

"Yeah whatever." He walked out of his bedroom and into the kitchen. "Wiiiill." He followed after him. "Mike, I had a long shift, so I don't really wanna hear you whine right now over something that YOU caused. Now, what do you want me to make you to eat?" He asked, opening the refrigerator.

Mike loved the way that Will took care of him. Even in his angriest of moments, he still wants to cook for Mike. Will was doing so well with communicating. His mental health was getting better too, although he did have his days. Some worse than others. As soon as Mike got the money, he paid for Will to start seeing a mental health professional. Apparently he had something called bpd or borderline personality disorder. He hadn't been to therapy in a little while though, because the fees started to add up. Luckily, he remembered some of the things they talked about to help him with his mood swings. Mike was so grateful that Will was in a better state now. Now he seemed like he was genuinely enjoying life. Happy Will fueled Mike's life.

"I thought we were meeting everybody for lunch?" Mike questioned. "Oh shit, you're right!" Will laughed. "Completely forgot about that—" Will was cutoff by the sound of the phone ringing Him and Mike followed it out of the kitchen. "Hello?"

"Hey bud."


"The one and only! How are you Will?"

"I'm doing good! What about you? You barely visit anymore."

"I know, I wish I could be there more. But I heard you and Mike are going to college together?"

"Oh- uh yeah!" Will answered with a nervous smile. "You guys gonna live on campus together and everything?"

"UGH!" Will dramatically exclaimed. Don't even bring that up! Mike forgot to send in the forms so that we could choose our room and roommates. It was supposed to be sent MONTHS ago but someone didn't do it." He stared angrily at Mike as he put his hands up defensively. "I said I was sorry!"

Johnathan laughed at his brother's anger. "So how do you think Mom's gonna do without either of us being here?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I mean she has her boyfriend, but it's not like her and Hopper live together or anything so... I really hope she's ok. I don't wanna leave her by herself if it's gonna effect her too bad though." Will explained sadly.

"Oh she'll be fine. Hopper knows how to take care of her."

"Yeah, I guess so." He shrugged. "Trust me. Mom is tough." He gave a warm smile. "I know she is." He returned it.


"Will why do we need to be there so early?" "Because we're the ones who invited them out to lunch, so we have to be there first." Will explained to Mike as they sat down on the same side of a diner booth.

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