"Have you talked to Max lately?" Mike asked Will, who was still seated next to him on the couch with his legs crisscrossed.

"Yeah, when she told me what happened between her and Lucas. It really sucks."

"Mhm, was she upset about it?" He asked again.

"Very. I'm surprised Lucas isn't acting a little more upset. He was like head over heels for her."

"I know. I wonder if he even misses her." Mike frowned.

"Heyy, I'm back!" Lisa said, taking her seat with a coffee in hand. "What I miss?"

"Nothing, we're kinda boring." Mike smiled.

"Oh, you guys got sandwiches? Their breakfast is so good here, trust me! Take a bite, I wanna see your reactions."

"It's just a breakfast sandwich." Will laughed.

"Just try it! It's delicious, trust me! You too Mike." Lisa insisted.

"Okayyy." He unwrapped the sandwich and took a small bite out of it. Eating in front of others wasn't his forte.

"No! Will, you gotta have more than that to taste it fully!"

"I can taste it. It's actually really good." He looked confused.

"You thought I was lying!? Mike you try!"

"Here goes nothing..." He bit into his sandwich. "Holy shit. This is pretty good."

"I'm telling you! It's NYC food, not whatever the hell it is y'all eat in Indiana." She teased the two. "Will, take some pointers from Mike. Your bite was ti-ny." She broke down the syllables.

"Whatever." He let out a small laugh.

"I'm just saying! Look at Mike!"

Mike was busy devouring the sandwich in his hands. "Hm?"

"You eat like my mother William."

"Ok, he gets it Lisa." Mike said as he finished a big gulp. "He's not hungry."

Ah. So this is what Alex was talking about.

"Ok then... Anywho, I don't know anything about you two, what'd you do before you got here?" She asked, quickly switching the subject.

"K well, we're from Hawkins, Indiana, we became friends when we were 12, and life has kinda majorly sucked for the both of us." Mike answered with a sarcastic smile.

"Oh. Wasn't expected that." Lisa said nervously.

"He's not wrong." Will started. "My dad was kinda abusive, and then he left me and my mom and brother. And I've dealt with a bunch of bullying and mental issues basically my whole life." He explained.

"I can't compete with all that, but I got bullied as well, and kicked out of my house so I couldn't see my baby sister anymore. It was way harder on her though, especially since we have a bullshit dad." Mike followed.

"Damn. Y'all were not lying." Lisa's eyes widened.


There was a long, awkward silence between the three.

"Hey Mike, you still up?" Luke ran over to the group. "I kinda lost." He said in defeat.

"Uh- yeah, yeah sure." Mike grabbed his coffee and Will's food in one hand, then Will's hand in the next. "Come on."

Mike is really touchy with him, isn't he?

"Lisa, are you coming?" Will asked.

"Mhm, just gimme a minute. Hey Luke, can I talk to you?" Lisa asked.

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