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"What do you mean you want to go to Hawkins?"

"What the fuck do you think I mean Mike?"

"Guys! Both of you are definitely not thinking straight right now! We're all drunk, we're all tired, and it's been a long night. It's nearly 2am, and all the creeps are on the subway right now. So how about we just tone it down, get back to campus, and rest. Cool?" Luke stared at the two, waiting for a response.

The pair stared at him with wide eyes. "Okay." They said simultaneously.

They all made it back to campus and silently went their separate ways- well... Will and Luke went to their shared room while Mike went to his. It was empty of course. Lucas wouldn't be home until morning. And just like that.. it was.


"Hey Roomie!" Lucas greeted as he walked through the door of his dorm.

"Lucas, please." Mike murmured from his bed.

"That's no way to say hi to your best friend who's been gone for the whole weekend !"

"Dude, shut up!" He threw a pillow at Lucas' head.

"Ow!" Lucas frowned. "No hi Lucas, how are you? how was your trip? i missed you." He murmured as he walked over to his bed.

"Mike, where's my Motrin?" Will asked drowsily at the door, rubbing his eyes.

"oh my god." Mike uttered, sitting up in his bed. "I took that." He spoke up.

"Yeah, no shit. Where is it?" Will asked again. "I have a headache."

"Hold on, it's in my nightstand." Mike brushed his mop of hair out of his face.

"Oh, Lucas! Hi, how are you? how was the flight?" Will greeted in a much more upbeat tone.

"Well SOMEONE here cares about me huh? Thank you Will. The flight went well both ways, and I am happy to be back."

"Oh so he gets hi and hello while I get bitched at first thing in the morning?" Mike huffed.

"Can I have the pill or not Mike?" Will rolled his eyes.

"Ok, what the hell is your problem with me?" Mike scrunched his eyebrows.

"I don't have a problem with you."

Mike flipped over to get the bottle of Motrin and poured out a pill. He got off the bed and went toward Will.

"Can I have a kiss first?" He pouted.

"No." Will held out his palm.

Mike dropped it in his hand. "Great to see the face of my loving boyfriend every morning." He tried with a smile.

But instead of returning it, Will stepped out of the frame and closed the door.

"What. Did. I. Miss?" Lucas asked wide-eyed.

"Nothing at all. He's just- He's just being Will." Mike shrugged.

"I don't know. I think you should talk to him. He just straight up ignored you man..." Lucas tried to hold in a laugh. "Sorry. But that's kinda weird of him. I don't know the situation, but uh... yeah."

"No you're right. You don't know the situation Lucas, so stay out of it." Mike growled as he dry swallowed a pill.

Lucas didn't want to get Mike more riled up than he already seemed to be, so he stayed quiet. But he was definitely going to investigate this. He hated to see his favorite couple fighting, and he hated to see his best friend acting like a total idiot when it came to his boyfriend. You could obviously tell that Will was upset with something Mike did. And Mike was always doing something.

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